So Im looking for a few new youtube channels to subscribe to so I was wondering what are your favorite youtubers?

Mine are Nigahiga, JacksGap, dicasp, Shaytards, and CTFxC

What are yours?

NigaHiga, amazing xD ahahaha an OG you tuber. if you love comedy dude go check out Jontron he has a very unique way of making videos where you can tell its a jontron video when your watching it. His amazingly talented and has many videos up on his channel already. perhaps you've already heard of him tho and you checked him out and you didn't like him, someone who doesn't have an amazing amount of subscribes is Marcus Dibble, an Australian you tuber who speaks his opinion about other people who abuse social media and its workings. You may not like him, he is a bit savage but if u can look past all the jokes and the satire and all the comedy that he slips in to his videos you begin to understand exactly what these people have done to become hated by not only him but many people over the internet. e.g SoFlowAntonio, he tore into him a lot about STEALING other peoples content and uploading it to his own Facebook / you tube page basically for money and fame. he speaks his mind and is a "sheepdog" to the sheep of society (you'll only understand that if you've seen american sniper) and honestly i respect him because he speaks out against people who have much more power and many more subscribers then he does, but that's enough banter from me xD. Jontron and Marcus Dibble are my two suggestions, if you want others then hmu with a quote and ill give some more ahahha youtube banner3.jpg
I love watching Tanner Fox and Romanatwood daily vlogs but if you're looking for something where they do a lot of tricks and cool things i'd watch the funk bros or dudeperfect all are amazing. But personally Tanner is my favourite, probably a bit buyest cause he followed me on twitter tho haha
My favorite youtubers are MrBeast, Logan Paul and probably PewDiePie, I like the first two, because they are good-heated kids just like me, who inspire change and to good, that's one of the main reasons i started youtube too. To gain publicity which then i will use to unite the people of this planet before it's too late. I like PewDiePie cuz he makes me laugh : )
I like Casey because he cracks me up and also pretty innovative dude. A lot of the teck reviewers I also like as well as some crazy food reviewers. Jack on the go show for some reason entertains me. He got me going on taco wars and pizza wars. I think it is cool to see restaurants in other parts of the country. I sub to a bunch of cooking channels and like them all. Much prefer You tube to regular TV, just can find what I want faster without all the BS. There are also a few outdoor channels that I like to check in with. Lots of good stuff our there. JB

He answers all questions and comments and that is good.
From time to time he does a totally "let's laugh" funny episode.
He is not really young but so am I (not) hahaha! :) :p