I'm still using the free version of TubeBuddy and I LOVE it. It's made quick keyword research really easy. I still do it other ways, but you can't beat the bunch of 1-click options you get. My only critisism, and this may not be a problem for anyone else, but I find TubeBuddy slows down my firefox, especially if I'm deep in tags etc. (during regular browsing I don't notice any slowdown). I've got it installed on Chrome, too, but don't use it enough to really report back!
If you are thinking about possibly getting it. DO IT NOW, IT'S FREE, YOU MANIAC!
One of my channels got randomly picked to try the new youtube layout, but I reverted bak because TubeBuddy didn't function fully with it. I liked the new design but preferred a working Tubebuddy over it.