Just curious. I would love to hear why you don't want to use Patreon? This is the first time I have heard of it and would like to hear the pros and cons of it. Thanks.
oh its just a personal thing. i feel iffy about taking money from people at all, unless they are getting something back immediately, I upload far too slow to be allowing regular donations
Yesterday analytics are in and I`ve reached a new low, 0.4 CPM

Better laugh not to cry, lol :cry2:

I feel ya![DOUBLEPOST=1492952319,1492900392][/DOUBLEPOST]
oh its just a personal thing. i feel iffy about taking money from people at all, unless they are getting something back immediately, I upload far too slow to be allowing regular donations

I understand. I might consider doing that if I were making videos full time as a job, but I just make videos as a side project to what I am already doing. As an example. I am currently processing 46 organically grown meat chickens, so I am recording the different steps of the process and will produce a video called, "How to process your own Meat Chickens".l for those new to homesteading that don't know how to this kinds of things.

I doubt there would be anyone on Patreon that would pay anything for my type of videos anyway. Seems that people are more interested in funny cats videos these days. But the day may come that people will want or need to get back in touch with real world skills and then they will appreciate these kinds of videos. LOL!
I see some people have posted about this, but I'm curious if big hits to your ad revenue are still going on for other people.

I understand that offensive content is less likely to have ads running on it at this point, but I'm not sure why ads are not running on mine. I've never even sworn in my YouTube videos, not to mention anything else bad. I don't make much from YouTube at all to begin with, but I'm hoping to figure out what's going on. Like... my estimated revenue says I haven't made a cent in 10 days... And it was literally 1 cent that I made on that day. I'm having a hard time finding more current information, as it's been over a month since the advertisers starting pulling from YouTube.

Are other people still having this issue? Any recommendations?[DOUBLEPOST=1493083918,1493082577][/DOUBLEPOST]Found the answer to my question... I have under 10k views. The fact that I had to earn $0 revenue for weeks before I even learned about this new rule (and had to do thorough research) is honestly terrible on YouTube's part,
This is totally demoralising for me, especially considering I have to spend money out of my own wallet to to increase my channels interest.

And thanks to YouTubes new rule on 10,000 views to get paid, I won't be seeing revenue for a couple of months. My revenue is declining on a daily basis and will post an update when it finally reaches the big $0.00
Where did you read this 10k rule? I want to read about it...[DOUBLEPOST=1493084395,1493083592][/DOUBLEPOST]
Where did you read this 10k rule? I want to read about it...
Alright I found some answers about it... I honestly think it's pathetic that I didn't even get an email to let me know that I won't receive revenue until I hit 10k views now. I would get up and move my channel from YouTube in a heartbeat if I thought it'd be worth the time. I don't make much money at all anyway. It REALLY wouldn't have been that hard for YouTube to send an email about the rule change.
h3h3 did say he make 200$ for 2 mil views so if you want have job as youtube you need over 12 mil views for survival

what will happents with small channals 10k per video they gona die because its gona make zero money ?
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Once the anger towards YouTube subsides and this "scandal" is forgotten the advertisers will come back, or new ones will take their place. This is just going to be a lean time temporarily. It does suck for small channels, but just not much that can be done right now. It's like the corporate world, you go through good times and lean times. But YouTube definitely is not dying any time soon.
They also said that they made the mistake of putting all their eggs in one basket "aka:youtube"
Youtubers who main sources of income was youtube adds are going to suffer a lot, even the ones with huge subs numbers are going to see a great drop in their income.This was bound to happen, is just a matter of surviving while the bad wave passes by.This is nothign new in the world of business, what was surprising is that it took this long to happen and the way it was made public was done with ill intent.

If it was a smart youtuber then he would of split his income, for example - Angryjoe makes money out of: selling T's, Twitch donations, Youtube views/adsense and has his own website that i bet it yields some income and not to mention the brand deals, this is how you're suppose to do YouTube.