I think it's a matter of how. With 2m subs, you go talk with any sellers about promoting for them, I think no one will reject. You can always get free samples and sometimes payments.
I was extremely worried when I first heard about the mass demonetization, but it will blow over eventually. This is still a terrible time for creators, especially those who are small. YouTube really needs to be open with its users. Creators are what keep YouTube... well... YouTube. I understand that they can't sit and do nothing about the boycotts. They have lost a lot of money because of them, but I wish they gave their users more information on what's going on and give us some insight on future. What they have given us seems vague...

YouTube claims they are working on it and improving the system... Sure hope they are. Who knows? Maybe at the end of this dark tunnel will be a YouTube better than ever before. It would be nice to be able to control who's ads appear on your channel. Or maybe start seeing ads that correlate with your interest or are related to the video you are watching.

Either way, those that boycotted YouTube will be back eventually, I'm sure of it. At this point, all I am worried about is how much money creators are losing and hoping that they hang in there.
I opened a store just before all this happened, and now im opening a patreon too.
I don't think either is going to do that well,
I was hoping to get by without needing a patreon at all, and I have a part time job too.
but you really just can't predict youtube revenue. I've definitely learned to save any good youtube months I get, for the inevitable algorithm shift and rev drop.

You might think I'm stupid for not selling out earlier, but some people just don't want to do that, or don't have the content suitable for it.
even when its just a small mention of other ways people can support me, I still feel scummy for it :(