$0.61/1k here compared to December of $0.9/1k is not THAT terrible IMO.

I really hope it gets to at least $0.8/1k by the end of December, with big amount of views it really makes a difference ($800-1k).
One of my videos with over 5 million views all of a sudden went down a ton in earnings. The views are the same but the earnings are abnormally bad. Is this something everybody is experiencing or just me?
Yes, A drop in revenue in January with same views and watch time.
Currently looking at $.5/1k for this month after earning $2.20/1k in Dec.
That's pretty much spot-on for my stats as well. Still don't see any trend of recovery on my end (in fact, comparing the past 4 days to the week preceding them, RPM is still dropping).
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You lucky devils! I hope I follow in those footsteps soon.

I hear Superbowl week is often good for YT? When does that kick in, start of February?