There is a drop but for January 2016 I have (so far) $5.23/$3.17 (playback/impression) while in December 2015 I had $11.44/$7.32. Compared to last year, this year the drop isnt that heavy for me but still it could be worse :)
I'm no expert but I would assume it would last for the whole of January, as people recover from the Christmas extravaganza, and then maybe until Valentine's Day.
(also, your channel link isn't working :p Try fixing it so we can check out your channel)

It's common knowledge, advertisers don't buy many ads in January, mainly because people don't have a lot of money to spend after the Christmas season.

Almost everyone receives a drop in earnings, including myself. Nothing to be concerned about, happens every year. Mine went from around just over $2 at the end of December to slightly under a dollar at the start of Jan. Had a significant spike yesterday though, and it's gone down again today.
This topic comes up every year like clockwork.

Earnings will be down for a while.

But it's a cyclic thing, so why worry?

Just keep on keeping on.
So does this mean if you want to advertise on YouTube, the best month to do so is January since it'll be the cheapest?
Ooh, well then. Maybe I should start pushing my channel some then in the future. XD Or at least lower that CPC ratio back down.
So how's everybody coming along so far now that we're past the halfway mark of January?

Super convenient how my views exploded right at the start of the new year, haha. So while I'm happy with the view numbers the earnings themselves have dipped to like $0.40 per 1k for me. There was a slight upturn several days ago to like $0.75 per 1k so I thought perhaps the slump was starting to end, but that apparently was an anomaly because it shot right back down the next day and the next day.