How do you come up with your video ideas?

Actually SAME! Ideas always pop up in the middle of nowhere for me, especially in the most inconvenient of places! I get so afraid of forgetting them that I just drop everything to get it down somewhere. Especially during chores. My mom probably has so many questions as to why her (already super weird daughter) just suddenly drops everything and scurries off somewhere in the middle of doing dishes, with soap still dripping off her hands. Does anyone have a different problem where they have lots of good ideas, but only a few of them actually make good scripts?

Haha yeah, I also immediately write my idea down because I'm so worried I'll forget it. And yeah, sometimes I think I have a really good idea, but I have trouble actually planning it out to make it interesting and funny.

My video ideas come from situations in my life that I've been through and also conversations with friends. It's interesting getting different perspectives on a topic and I find a way to relate those emotions for my viewers. Same for my poetry.
They type of videos that I do on my channel are Comedy Vlogs where I vlog situations but they are often scripted and intended to be an excessive version of reality. I often get my ideas from puns for example we did a bit about the apple watch in which we made a watch where the face was an apple.
Ideas tumble at us from everywhere. ^-^ I wish having an idea and writing were the same thing. Writing seems to be the hardest for me. I don't have a formula. I just sit and stare at a blank piece of paper until something comes to fruition. Kind of like holding my brain hostage until it gives up the goods.
I also have a little notebook with me usually and collect them at the most
random times. SOmetimes really good ones right before I sleep and also during the day
when I just listen to the news and hear about what my friends have to say about certain things, which
don't have to neccessarily be trendy by the way...

It varies from person to person.
Theres so many ways to come up with youtube video ideas, basically just watching youtubers itself, will give you a good indicator of what YOU'RE intrested in, in the end of the day if you like your content then somebody else will like it too, i know youtubers that say they cant even watch their own videos but at the end of the day if you cant watch your own videos , how do you expect anybody else to be able to sit thru your your videos.

so if you're watching a youtuber and you think oh thats a great idea, just use that idea as an inspiration, and make the idea more you

another way i use to make videos was i would take a funny sentence, and stretch the funny sentence into a joke, and turn the joke into a skit, but that only works when it comes to skits not so much when doing beauty or any of those types of videos

try searching up newer youtube channels in your niche and see what theyre doing, even get in contact with them, and start to sociallise with them, in the end, youre beating two birds with one stone

also carry around a notebook ! always useful
Being creative through drawing, watching other films and shows mixed with my imagination leads to a lot of extraordinary ideas. Usually that's to write stories which will come in handy since I'd also like to try being an author and director one day. I do acting and movie news on my youtube channel, so for example I'll do research on latest news and take notes on the most juicy and important info. I perform speeches as well(monologues) from anything I've enjoyed watching. That's the process I go through but I'd recommend the note-taking like many others and don't be afraid to be different!
Most of my video ideas come to me when playing the game in question, I interact with a lot of random people in-game & they often message me wondering about things, a lot of them older players than I am in-game. I like to look at thigns for what's underneath, if it's a game, how consistent and if very consistent *physics and such* how it could be used to tweak results *not glitches necessarily, more knowing the system,but launch glitches are fun :)*.