How do you come up with your video ideas?

It all started for me when I was seeking / researching a certain subject and found it all bitty so combined my findings into a single video for others.
So I continue this - when I need something new - I will create a video.
Additional to that I subscribe to a ton for similar channels for inspiration. A single video from another channel can spark a whole series for me.
Idea generation for me comes from life experience! If something trivial happens, or i find myself thinking about topics (highs school, work, study, social things) that people might be able to relate to, i make a quick note in "OneNote" and categorise my thoughts. However, actually developing the idea may take anywhere from an hour to 3 hours to make a fully use-able script. Sometimes i have ideas triggered from watching other vlog/animations and type them down asap before i forget. :)
Was thinking about your tip but i simply cant find any ideas on what should i talk about because i think that nobody cares about that stuff or my opinion on something.. Do you have any tip on how to get some ideas that would be interessting to watch and not boring? Thanks
Hoo boy, there's a lot of sources for this part. Sometimes the ideas come from my friends (especially Smash related stuff) other ideas involving other games usually come from me. Other times I just scrounge the web in search of new things to try out and make a video from.
just speak your mind :)
I personally think if the commentary is too scripted it may give off a "unreal" vibe. If you go with the flow it should be alright and people will see that its genuine.
to get ideas for new videos is the most challenging think, and even if you get an idea you still need to build the script to support your idea before you shoot the video. For me, the "idea of the video" and the scripting is 80% of the production.

Usually, i draw my ideas from my personal experience.
I tend to make great ideas when I meditate. When my idea is clear that when something does come in my zone, idea lights up like a light bulb. At the end of the day, I like to have 10 ideas and share them with close knit of friends. After I see what they all like, that ends up being my idea :)
inspiration from other youtubers and random thought before bed always help, idk why I always come up with something amazing right before I'm about to sleep

I sometimes even forget it and then I regret it so much the next day :(
Once i get the idea for a video then write it in my notepad or just try my best to remember it. Most come when I'm driving or watching other YouTube videos.
Normally for me my ideas come when I am driving, working or sleeping. Usually music pushes my creativity to come out and I'll think of something that I'd like to create in the future. The more active and awake I am the more ideas that will come.
Then I have to make sure I write them down cause you never know...someday they might become some type of film/short film/web series for me. =]