How do you come up with your video ideas?

A lot of times an idea will just pop up, but whenever I need a vid idea and I can't just wait for it. I just sit down and brainstorm. While writing out all of the ideas I can think of, I like to save a list of the god ones for future reference.
I get my ideas off of observation...i mean some just hit me...but I find something funny in almost everything...for instance i can see a car not starting and i think of something funny...its weird...but i my mind is creative...
They usually come to me at school, when I'm daydreaming. Sometimes when I just don't have the time to wait for it to come to me, I lock myself in a quiet room alone with the lights off so I have no distractions. Then I clear my mind completely. Then I think "Youtube ideas, youtube ideas" over and over. Sometimes my mind drifts off to someone else's channel, then I think of how I can put a twist on their video to make it my own.
I come up with my idea's right off the bat or from other people who I get inspiration from. If I have somthing cool to share (like a new smoking piece, story, or random stuff) I just tell it at different times. name is neondepth you can find me in the youtube search and you can also see more of me on instagram @neondepth.
Personally it all depends on what type of videos you make if it's games theres limit to creativity being most of content is the game but you are free to pick witch game. That being said I prefer informational and challenge/tag videos for the viewers and most ideas are on the personal level or events/experiences in present day or even relating different times. Also Tags are obvious and always starting new challenges just comes to mind in daily life and inspiration from others. I have a notebook and word document where I write down all my ideas and scripts depending if at school or home and from there pick which one I should focus then write and re write until best of your ability then ask family or friend who watches youtube to gain perspective from someone you are making the video for.
I usually spend some time on my own (mainly in my room) and I have some music playing through my headphones

I just think of the ideas and put in a notepad (my idea book)
I could be doing everyday things and ideas just fly through my head. I can also be minding my own business and someone just pops up with something (usually a prop) and I capitalize on it. Then I shoot it and as I'm editing I find ways to improve it.