How do you come up with your video ideas?

What do u guys do to come up with ideas? what stages do you pass through? how long? E.T.C...

For me Most of my ideas come from when i am sleeping and when im watching other vids. I Write them up in a word document and when i need ideas i just look through it and pick out the ones i need/want.

I think it all depends on the type of channel you're trying to create. Best advice I can give is to make videos about what interests you. On my channel, I make videos about games, but also science and technology since I'm a Biotech major minoring in Chemistry. So I'll make videos specifically about news and articles involving games and sci/tech stuff. However if you don't like the news stuff, I revert back to saying make videos about what interests you. I just think gaming news and technology news allows for limitless video ideas because there's ALWAYS new news. This isn't even counting Let's Play walkthroughs. If you PURELY want to do Let's Plays and not anything else, then do that. Only problem with that is figuring out what you're going to upload in between games.
I, ehm.. all my ideas come when I'm in the toilet. I don't know why, but I'm not lying. I call them ''Crap Ideas''. I actually like this idea I may film it :p
When I see, hear or just randomly thinking about something ideas come up to my mind but if i dont write them down somewhere i definitely forget them. Shower is a good place too! :D So i have a notebook that i write my ideas (forgot it at my granny's :facepalm2: ) but my channel is about random stuff and i rarely like the idea. Mostly i feel like that idea is not fun enough to do so i just give up and start searching for new ones again. This emoji is literally licking the screen :mstickle:
I sit Sean in a room and yell at him until he spews an idea.

Not really, but we actually just think of an idea on the spot. We do have a log of video ideas, though, however we usually get the idea spur of the moment.
Ideas come at anytime for any reason, I make sure to write them down on paper or phone asap.
I have been reading these topic and all answers from you guys, and I have seen that lot of you getting idea when is in bed or the way to work/school....
Then I have problem ahahah I finish my school and I'm looking for job at the moment so I dont have lot of options and its hard for me to find inspiration sometimes...

From start of my youtube channel I have been finding ideas on channel by Superwoman, Joe, Caspar or Tyler O. but Its hard at these moment to get some idea and make viral videos..

For me is reailly hard at the moment because I'm getting views and subscribers slow, but I will try to get over it and believe it will be better...
I have lot of power to make it and I will not give up :D
Sometimes I look at people I'm subscribed to, sometimes throughout the day something pops in my head, something someone's all over. Just have to pay attention to it.