How do you come up with your video ideas?

I tend to jump between planning them out for a week or so, or just randomly coming up with an idea off the bat that I can put into effect straight way. From my experience so far anyway.

And they come from all things, for example ,I was looking up what you could do with audacity and got two videos out of it. Other times include just an idea that pops into my head, I can't explain where those come from.
I just think of real world topics to discuss or if something I think is funny happens to me i'll write it down and try to turn it into some "life lesson.":happy2: I also watch other people's vids and get ideas from there.
I usually decide what I want to make a video of, then I write what comes to mind. I sometimes ad lib when I get to recording it, because I want it to seem like it's from the mind of my character, so it rarely comes out perfect. :P
I get ideas in really random places and times. I always have my little 'ideas book' and just write down everything. Lol one day i was out with my friends and then i just grabed the book and started taking notes..they tought i wzs crazy xD
Most of my ideas come while I'm sleeping, taking a shower, or listening to some epic music :p

I tend to forget a lot, so I taken down every idea that pops up on my phone :)
Now I've got pages of ideas in bullet points.
When I think of something I have to write it down because I'll forget about it and I can only fit so much in my head at once:)
When I have nothing better to do I open up notes on my iphone and write down some ideas , even if they sound super crazy , and I'll let it sit and look at it a bit later . Sometimes I google youtube video ideas, or I just look at how other youtubers who I admire started .
I don't know, for a guy with such a wild imagination, I just go with it while I record my videos, I don't even have scripts, I just imagine what I'm going to say and say it infront of the camera, if I stop and stutter I just edit and cut it out of the video.