How do you come up with your video ideas?

I must do this. I cannot let an Idea sit in the back of my mind after I say to myself I will remember it later. There are a lot of GREAT ideas for videos and video series I have forgotten and I didn't write down.

yes it really help trust me
Depends really sometimes I just think randomly and try to implement or I see something I want to try to do myself and give it my best.
I usually buy any games that look good (I have my eyes set on "The Forest" right now :) ), record it, and improvise everything I record. Then I just edit it heavily and there you go, a video! And for all of the random short videos I make, I just ask my friends about any crazy/funny games that they've been playing lately (Which is how I learned about this "Killer Whale follows your mouse" game), and work on any random/funny ideas from there.
When I used to make vlogs I would just look at an object and think "I can make a video out of that" or sometimes I just felt like telling a story that happened to me, so honestly I didn't put huge effort back in the day.
Now that I make impressions videos I think about what I'm going to do all the time. I'll watch cartoons and shows thinking "maybe I can do that voice". So now I come up with ideas for videos after I practice some voices :)
I don't really do any scripts.. I'm only a gaming channel so it's not that needed I guess.. But the main thing for like comedie channels are sketches, they just invent this random funny stuff and just mix it all togheter in something so weird and random it becomes funny, ofcourse if it needs to be super cereal then well.. You might wanna just plan out everything.
i just try to find a perk or challenge to attempt in a game e.g in cricket 2007 i like to see how many runs i can score in an innings
or i just end up finding glitches or something to make the video about or edit a short clip to :) hope this helps!
I just play a game and be myself, record myself doing so, and then edit out the boring parts. Takes a while, but I like the end result!
I mostly do vlogs and try to tell stories.
Usually ideas pop up in my head and I decide to make a video out of it, if I haven't got the time I write them down in a little note book. I dont't really fancy tags, so I try to film things I like.
Often I get inspired by other people when I talk to them and I think it was such a funny situation I've got to act it.
Most of my videos also concern my struggle in live though, I guess people can identify with similiar situations. Then I feel less awkward :o
My ideas always come randomly throughout the day. I could be at school and see something that sparks an idea, I can be sitting at the computer and something pops into my head, or I could be having a conversation with someone that gives me an idea. Usually if I'm at school, I'll write the idea onto a piece of paper and maybe outline some sort of script. Then when I get home I start writing the actual script. My vlogs are a lot less scripted though. I usually just outline what I want to talk about, film, then edit it all together.