How do you come up with your video ideas?

Most ideas I came up with are through conversations with people, movies, animes, games, looking at the environment of my city, and cartoons. I put them all in a blender, I then drink it all to try and came up with a thing, and after aaaaaaaaall that . . . I only came up with a single idea. That idea then expands to a more meaningful, ridiculous, yet genius idea. . . . MMMMMM idea was delicious.
I have a notebook where I write down anything that comes to mind that could potentially make a good video. Sometimes I'm able to develop it into something, but often I just end up saving it for later use.

That is exactly what I do. Mostly it is not even a full formed video idea. It is often just enough to remember what the thought was. A word or several. and i just flip though it when i need inspiration. I fold over pages with ideas or jokes that were used but I never get rid of them because i can always elaborate in the future.
Honestly, all my videos are completely improved, We come up with the ENTIRE video on the spot. No scripting.
What I do is use real life events from the cast members and we reenact them using a cartoon platform. Of course we exaggerate the video from what really happen to make it funny. When I am writing the script I never force it. I will wait weeks and maybe months before I write anything. It has to come natural and I have to be in the "mood". I don't finalize a script or another person script until the script can make me laugh from just reading it. If I can not laugh after reading the script it a failed script in my eyes.
I don't really have a process yet. I try to keep track of new ideas any way I can. Whether it be notes in my phone, writing it down or just telling someone who I know will remind me or help me later.
I'm a writer and keep ideas similarly, in a notebook. Also planning on getting a magnetic wipe board for brainstorming.

But as far as WHERE I get my ideas... I'm a DIY channel (or, at least, will be), so holidays a great starting point. What/how to celebrate with diy projects. I have Pinterest and will do what interests me. Because I firmly believe that if I love what I'm doing, it'll shine through and get to the right audience- old writer's trick. My channel will also have writing and book reviews in it- again, what peeks my interest. :)
This is going to sound weird but usually when I'm in the shower. I thought up a whole script for a short sketch when showering yesterday!

Otherwise I usually get ideas just as I'm trying to get to sleep. Head hits the pillow = brain becomes active.
This is going to sound weird but usually when I'm in the shower. I thought up a whole script for a short sketch when showering yesterday!

Otherwise I usually get ideas just as I'm trying to get to sleep. Head hits the pillow = brain becomes active.

LOL. I have to say. This has been true of me too (for writing). And then of course my brain starts working out the details and I'm not able to sleep until I write out the details 'cause my head's too full!
random moments when I'm not doing anything or sometimes throughout the day an idea just comes to me of stuff I want to do. The problem is waiting for the right time to push out these ideas.