How do you come up with your video ideas?

Since I am a big fan of walking, for a couple of years i've been walking to school for and hour, it gives you time to think things through , that's pretty much when i get all of my video ideas, i have my phone so if i have an idea i will type it down, and then when i get home i look through the list and plan out one of the ideas =^+^=
I'll be sittin up in my chair, and then random thoughts come to my head... like what if cucumbers had hats... what if they talked latin and they killed people. yah sounds bout right..!
When I come up with a idea I usually just think of something funny and I share it with my friends and if they laugh the audience might laugh (nothing racist though)!
I basically just go through a simple process. I have 2 series going on one called Johnny Fox Reviews which is newer titles usually on Steam. Then a separate show called FMV Hell where I review old FMV games for Sega CD and PC. I have all the footage in a folder and just look to see what I am in the mood for and watch it. Then if i connect at that moment with the old stock footage I made when I played all the games I make the review.
I just have them pop into my head when I am either in bed or in the shower...the two most awkward place for writing them down...

I usually just type them into my phone or email them to myself to be added to a word document later...
When I know I have to write a video and I've got nothing, I just think of something funny. Anything, the first funny thing that comes into my head and work from there.
But most of my ideas just come at random parts of the day. :D
for me its Weird, It's like I'm sitting there and because I believe in ''Alternate Universes'' I think to myself ''what would my other self do?'' and i simply would do what he would do... Like i will think of a video and do the exact opposite to that... to make the video better... like my charmed one for instance, I created the illusion that my ''double'' made me think it was my work day, then I would imagine what my Alternate self would do a video of, Ironically that's exactly the video i did... known as ''You Can't Twin''