How do you come up with your video ideas?

Usually myself and my partner Andy sit on skype with a google doc open, editing and writing in real time. We come up with some pretty great stuff, we're still in the making of our first video!

I want people to ask me Questions, Visit my Channel and watch the Video ''WANNA KNOW A SECRET? #AskLeeAnything''
and ask me a Question and I'll answer it in a Video.
I let inspiration hit me. That and I am a very imaginative person. I don't know how I made it through my Educational Career with all the day-dreaming I did. It is very easy for me to get bored and tune out. When that happens my mind just starts to wander and soon I find myself thinking up weird things. So when I'm watching something no matter what it is and my mind starts to wander, my brain turns to Satire while blending and bending fantasy and reality.

Before you ask me, no I do not do drugs, take pills, smoke or drink. I'm sure I have mental problems but I am currently unaware of any and I don't take any medication. Nor do I know if I should be taking any medication. I was dropped a lot as a baby so that may explain some things. The only downside to having all these unique, creative and interesting gaming video Ideas I have is that I currently have no money to buy a PC to actually produce content :/
since I do Tech videos I just go with what I feel like doing, It's not hard coming up with videos, for me atleast since there are so many videos to make about tech.
I let inspiration hit me. That and I am a very imaginative person. I don't know how I made it through my Educational Career with all the day-dreaming I did. It is very easy for me to get bored and tune out. When that happens my mind just starts to wander and soon I find myself thinking up weird things. So when I'm watching something no matter what it is and my mind starts to wander, my brain turns to Satire while blending and bending fantasy and reality...

Don't worry, you're not the only one who day dreams, L Jay. Many artist's do. How many times have you heard someone described as having their head in the clouds? And I promise, it didn't originate with you. ;)

Yesterday was a great day. I got together with my mom and baby sister. A mother's day/birthday (for my sis) bash. I was doing my best to hang into the conversation, but my mind kept drifting. Yes, I'm a dreamer too. I venture too say that many, if not all, of us here are. We have one thing, minimum, in common. We're creative- right brainers. I wouldn't worry about having your head in the clouds. You're not the only one. ;)
i like to bounce ideas to my sister. sometimes just typing it out or saying it out loud helps you form the idea better. most of the time it spirals into a bigger conversation and into an even better idea.
Although I just started the youtubes today, I wing it. It fits cause my videos make no sense at all. I kind of just think of theme and say, let's see where it goes from there. Typically it goes no where good or no where that makes sense, but I suppose hats the beauty of it!
I do, however, come up with a lot of my theme by just talking with my friends. Usually someone will say something that will make me think, hmmm that might just work for something.
Ideas come and go throughout the day. The important thing is to write it down if you think you might forget. No matter if it's a great idea or not write it down. Later you can come back to them and find out how to make them work. Sometimes the small ideas can turn out more successful then you think.
Hey UnitedF1HD, To be honest with the music videos it's themes so far, I have yet to do a story that would be interesting!!! but i always come to the internet as my main source of research :)
Ideas come and go throughout the day. The important thing is to write it down if you think you might forget. No matter if it's a great idea or not write it down. Later you can come back to them and find out how to make them work. Sometimes the small ideas can turn out more successful then you think.
I must do this. I cannot let an Idea sit in the back of my mind after I say to myself I will remember it later. There are a lot of GREAT ideas for videos and video series I have forgotten and I didn't write down.