I really struggle filming in public when by myself, I have done one recently but there was a friend in the video so I felt much more comfortable, because people are used to friends filming and taking selfies of each other so I felt much more comfortable!

On my own nope I just can't I am incredibly shy just like you!
I dont take myself seriousley at all, and in recent years I've come to feel like I dont care what people think or say anymore haha! it comes with age I guess, but it is still abit uncomfortable vlogging in my home town, it's much easier doing it in a place where I know I don't know anyone :P But im prety new at doing those kind of videos so I hope it gets better tho:)
My tip is...

You don't know those people. You'll probably never see them again. Don't worry about it.

Takes a bit of practice but once you get used to ignoring any looks you do get, you'll be fine.
Except I'm from a smaller city, where I used to teach in four different schools, so there's a pretty good chance I'll know people. Haha
At first i hated it / avoided it, but now i have been daily vlogging for 289 days i'm kind of used to it now haha.

saying that i think i embarrass my girlfriend more as my new vlogging setup is a DSLR on a gorilla tripod and a Rode video mic go on top haha so i look the part not just a discrete compact camera.
Honestly, we are not embarassed to shoot some videos (preferably arcade gaming videos of our channel) in public even some people look into us recording some gameplay moments. I think those regular arcade people in my area may open YouTube, search our channel or anything that is related to ours and voila, they remembered our faces lol. But it will never happen hahaha. Kinda assuming.

Recently, during our record of Star Wars Battle Pod gameplay in my local arcade 30 minutes away, there are quite a handful of people watching us as they thought we can finish the whole game without failing all missions but yeah, we had fun always during our shoot.
I HAVE THE ANSWER!!! So I just started my vlog Jan 1st. and I totally understand how you feel... Jan 2nd I went to the art museum steps from the movie rocky to film myself running up and down the steps. Totally making an a***** of myself. But it was magical and here is your answer!!!!

I was so busy filming and concentrating on what I was doing I didnt even notice the other people staring. So my advice is this... concentrate on what your doing and focus on your camera not other people. Seriously, I had no conept of the people who were staring, I just kept running up and down while filming to make sure I got the perfect shot.

If you want to see the outcome let me know... I just didnt want to include the link here because I dont want to come off as self promoting.

I couldnt bring myself to shoot things in public. I hate when attention is on me i get anxiety if its people i dont want looking at me
It is harder obviously, harder to be yourself or the character you're doing.... but I find, if you just own it, if you go all out over the top like you would vlogging or shooting at home, people seem to like it and the attention you attract is only good... I've had people ask me after the shoot or while I'm changing the camera or whatever what I'm doing and I've actually got some subs this way, letting them know I have a youtube....

If you act insecure and filter yourself cause you're in public is when it becomes awkward for everyone.... if you own it and go all out, you get better content/video and perhaps pick up some subs ;)
Go in to a local city or a shopping centre (mall for the US folks) and just open up your camera and record back to back of you talking about random stuff. You can delete these videos at the end so it doesn't matter how good they come out, or what you say in them, this is just for practice to warm you up and get you more familiar with it. Keep doing that in little short 5-10 minute film segments until either it's time to head home, your camera SD card is full, or your battery dies.

Now go home, charge your camera up again, and copy just the first and last film you made off the camera. Now look at the difference in how confident and relaxed you seemed on camera after just a few videos, compared to that first video. After making a bunch you should naturally find it a lot easier to do again next time, but if you do struggle, just use this trick again and film a warm up video or two, then delete those and film your real one.

Recording yourself in public is a bit like public speaking or even just socialising in an unfamiliar environment/with unfamiliar people. It starts off nerve-wracking to some degree for everyone even if you're pretty confident, but then after a few minutes you're fairly relaxed, and after 10-15 minutes you completely forget you were nervous in the first place because you're too into it. So warming up can be great for that. :)