I myself have made a couple vlogs in the past and I find it also very difficult in public - thinking everybody is watching. But I just push through it and give up caring about what people think. Its the 21st century and you could be doing anything in other peoples eyes, video call, selfie etc.
For all they know you could me a millionaire film maker!!

The end result is that youre making something creative and spending yoir time being productive making something for the world!
All in all...I can totally relate to what you1re saying and the confidence of some YouTubers is insane. Like Casey Neistat for example. Hes so open with what he films..i could never do it like that hahahah
I started vlogging few weeks ago and God I got stares like "what is the bald headed dude doing" hahha

But I just try to remember what they think does not have any effect on my life and how I live it and take a deep breath and continue
I feel like if your in an area say LA where that kinda stuff is "normal" and lots of people see it on a daily bases then its not scary but a place like where im from in PA then its not the norm so people will stare at you which makes it hard to pay attention to the camera cause your worried bout them, like being in the car and talking to the camera and your at a red light and the person next to you is just staring. It gets weird lol
Most of the time you will never see the people in public again.. especially if you are in a big city. If you do see someone you know just explain it to them. The more comfortable you are the more it will come across on the video!
Hi everyone. I've seen so many vloggers, vlogging super confident on the street, but when I start doing it, I try to find an empty space, where nobody is walking around.

Do you have any tips or tricks on how to overcome this?
Weirdly enough, when I'm out with friends and filming, I find it totally easy, while filming by myself in public is sooo awkward. Probably because being around people I can pretend like it's part of a conversation, rather than looking like a lunatic talking to myself.

When I'm not with friends, it helps me to pretend that I'm doing a video call with someone.
Omg when i first started vlogging i was so paranoid about people around me but after a while i noticed they weren't actually looking at me. I would get the occasional one looking but that about it so now its just the norm to me, but my partner is very weary of himself vlogging lol
I have the exact feeling right now. When I am shooting videos in London, I am going to places where I am 100% sure that I can find a place with no people, so they don't see me talk to a camera. But I have the feeling it is a very stupid move from me, because I am always going to hide instead of just walking and shooting.