I think when it comes to gaming, you'll find a lot of trolls. So people will just spam dislike for the sake of disliking, like they've been doing with the Fine Bros.
I totally get why you're bummed out, but don't let it stop you from creating the content you love!
Hey, as long as you're getting the views you deserve, it's all good. I liked your opinions on your Deadpool video, don't know why they would dislike your opinions. Free speech and love, biatches.

Also, please quote other people to reply directly to them by clicking the "Quote" button. Helps to keep track of conversation instead of just replying.

Thanks, yeah I am a bit mystified as to why there is so much hate... I am wondering if what people want is one of those 'movie bloopers; spot the mistake' videos with no useful content? Then are unhappy it's got actual content?

Not much I can do now, live and learn!
We've had random dislikes and comment simply because people didn't like the actual original song that we did a cover or a parody version of... no bad comments about our actual work sometimes... but just a hatred of the original, hah. Silly silliness. But we keep rollin' on. :D
In my opinion, if whoever left the dislike did not leave a comment for why he disliked. Probably he is a hater.
I read somewhere that theres people who get paid to dislike videos. Not sure if this is true or not.

I can imagine paid dislikes or comments to attack a competitor... I suspect I am waaaaaaay too small have been noticed by any channel I may be competing with. I think you just can't underestimate how much time petty people have on their hands. People comment to 'correct' my opinions on a movie or just tell me off for saying the movie wasn't perfect even if I also say I loved it! ^_^

Steep learning curve keeps getting steeper!

I'm going to worry less about dislikes from now on, if people make a valid comment I will always respond, and if I am wrong I am happy to have been wrong... but other than that, nothing we can do really *shrugs*.
im still small on YouTube. Recently someone has been disliking my videos as soon as I upload them, lol. Anyone have an experience with a hater?
Oh dude don't worry about the dislikes after all youtube counts like and dislikes as the same think so this hater is just helping you climb the ladder I just hope he's not saying anything too hurtful keep on rocking