pc collab

  1. R

    Gaming Looking for a minecrfat (PC) collab - reply if interested

    looking to do Skywars on hypixel and different custom maps and challenges
  2. Derek Aguirre

    Gaming Funny Moments Gaming Group

    Hey Everyone! If you are here because you are interested in wanting to do a collab or join a recording group, then you are in the right place. I am looking for a funny moments recording group on PC to grow my channel with, and all in all just have fun making videos together. I want everyone in...
  3. JustMonotone

    Gaming Looking for a Mature and Fun Gaming Group!

    Hey guys, JustMonotone here! I have been doing some research about how to grow on YouTube and a lot of people say collaboration is a good way to enjoy yourself while gathering your sub bases from both parties. I am looking for someone/people who are mature and like to have fun while gaming on...
  4. J


    Hey, whats up. I'm just here to find people to collab with. I'm 16 and I live in the western side of the U.S.. If you want to collab with me. You have to be at least 15+ and have Skype (just like all the other posts). I don't really care about your sub count, if your a bit entertaining we'll try...
  5. Derek Aguirre

    Gaming PC Recording Group

    Hey Everyone! If you are here because you are interested in wanting to do a collab or join a recording group, then you are in the right place. I am looking for a funny moments recording group on PC to grow my channel with, and all in all just have fun making videos together. I want everyone in...
  6. Derek Aguirre

    Gaming PC Recording Group

    Hey Everyone! If you are here because you are interested in wanting to do a collab or join a recording group, then you are in the right place. I am looking for a funny moments recording group on PC to grow my channel with, and all in all just have fun making videos together. I want everyone in...
  7. Alexan-theawsome

    Gaming PS4 & Pc Collab

    Im looking someone to collab with on PS4 and/or Pc and im accepting to play and/or record on the weekends PS4 Games: Rocket League, CoD Black Ops 3, GTA 5, War Thunder Pc Games: Borderlands 2, CSGO, Gmod, War Thunder, Minecraft Skype: yes i do have skype and need to know what it look like on...
  8. Derek Aguirre

    Gaming PC YT Funny Moments Recording Group

    Let's get right to the point. I am looking for a group to record some funny moments on pc games such as Gmod, Arma, Rainbow Six, Gta V, H1Z1, etc. I want this group to just have a good time, but still be serious and dedicated to youtube, at least available to play during the week. I don't care...
  9. FPSJustice

    Gaming Minecraft or COD friends and collabs

    Hey guys and gals, I've been looking for some collaborations for awhile now and I'm not having much luck. I play more Minecraft on my pc and Black Ops 3 on my ps4 than anything. I'd like to have a few people to collaborate with on either of the two games, but I want more than just a...
  10. BMorgzGaming

    Gaming PC Collab for Fun!!!

    Hey guys my name is BMorgz or Brian. You can call me which ever you feel. I am a YouTube (obviously like everyone here) that is interested in collaborating with 1 or 2 more guys full time potentially. I am 22 from NJ. I currently have about 88 Subs on YouTube. What do I mean by full time? Well...
  11. Affect


    Post your: Skype Age Country Subs Steam name Requirements -Good mic (no buzzing) -Not a squeaker Im Affect I have 500+ subs on youtube My skype is:Affect-Youtube (message me for collab or comment on this one) My steam name is Affect <3
  12. MythicalTaco

    Gaming PC Collaboration

    Hi, My name is Hector and i'm 13 years old and looking for someone to collab with. You're sub count does not really matter as long as you are always ready to make videos. Requirements: - Have a funny personality - Don't be a squeaker - A decent mic - Good/Decent editing - Have fun / Curse if you...
  13. I

    Gaming New PC youtuber - Europe - CSGO,Gmod,etc

    Hello I have recently started with youtube but it would be nice to have someone to play with and have some fun. You don't have to have many subs all i ask from you is a funny personality and a good mic. The games i play is CsGo and Gmod but if there is a game that you enjoy let me know. If you...
  14. WillDP

    Gaming PS4/PC Gaming Group

    Hey guys I am 16 years old, and I have a small, growing youtube channel that is looking for some people to form a youtube group with. I prefer to play on PS4 but I also like to play some PC games. I usually can only play on the weekends and fridays but some days I might be able to get on during...
  15. Jaxx Plays

    Gaming Looking for fun and awesome people to make videos with!

    My youtube channel is Jaxx Plays Just looking for people to have fun with and make great videos, and possibly help each other out :D If interested comment below or just add me on skype: wolfgod17 or just comment yours down below! ( I have better means of communication but its what most people...
  16. DreaM_HD


    Hi everybody! I'm looking for some awesome people to possibly do a collab with and remain friends with for a long time :) I live in the UK (GMT time zone) so having a European time zone would be great but it doesn't matter too much if you don't - it just might complicate things. If anyone is...
  17. Hunter Johnson

    Gaming Looking For People to Collab With [Pc or PS4] Around Age 13

    Hi i'm TennyTheTennisBall and I would like a few people around the age of 13 to collab with. I love to play sports games on the ps4 and Open World Survivor games on the PC. If you would like to collab with me put your skype below PS4- Smkymtnjoe YouTube - TennyTheTennisBall Skype - Hrjtennis...
  18. DreaM_HD

    Gaming Looking for some PC gamers to collab with

    Hey guys! I'm looking for some cool people to play some PC games weith! Preferably between 13 and 17 years old. The games I have and would be up for playing are: Call of Duty series Star Wars Battlefront FIFA 16 H1Z1 DayZ Battlefield 4 Dead Realm The Forest GTA 5 Miscreated Portal 2 Rainbow...
  19. TheOnlyICEYHD

    Gaming Gaming Group of 3 looking for People!

    Me and My Two Friends are a Gaming Group looking for Funny People to make Videos with, We inspire to be Like VanossGaming/KYR SP33DY's Crew Playing Games such as Garry's Mod (PC), GTA V (PC/XB1), Dead Realm (PC) and other Popular games. All 3 of us Together Combined we have 1,496 Subscribers. If...
  20. TheOnlyICEYHD

    Gaming Gaming Group

    I have 336 subscribers, Im looking for people to Collaborate/Make a Group with, I want people to make funny moment videos with Such as GTA 5 and Garry's Mod.MUST USE SKYPE!, If you're interested hmu on Twitter its @TheOnlyICEYHD
  21. sickvenom

    Gaming PC Collab[Arma 3, Gmod, etc.]

    Hey everyone, I hope you guys are all having a good day. My name is sickvenom and I would like some one and some people to collab with one pc. If we get a lot of people posting on this forum we could even make a group. I just want to make new friends, and to have fun together...
  22. Eyezak

    Gaming Looking for PC Gaming Collaborations

    Hi, I'm looking for PC Gaming people to collaborate with for my second channel, I have 700+ subscribers on main channel (Which is a Minecraft Channel), with my second channel already up to around 40 subscribers, I plan on posting other games on there. Also, for the people wondering my age, I'm...
  23. scHD

    Gaming Small PC/xbox360 youtuber looking to collab

    Hey guys my channel is scHD I currently have just 11 sub's so would like to grow my channel by possible collab I have Minecraft for PC and Xbox 360 also I have call of duty. I'm from England and I'm 13 so would like someone similar age 12-15 thanks bye.
  24. NotANoob

    Gaming PC/PS4 YouTube Gaming Group

    Hi, my name's Alex and I wanted some new friends to play and record with. I have a YouTube channel called NotANoob with about 680 subscribers. I would like for you to be ages 13 to 16 years old (I am 13). For you to join the group there is no amount of subscribers you have to have but there is a...
  25. Bryan S

    Gaming Pc friends collab or long term partnership

    me and my partner are looking for 2 people to collaborate with on our youtube channel for minecraft, and a few other pc games. Minecraft Username: Waytodawn2291 & Twobecomeone2377 Platform I play on: PC Age: 24 & 38 Gender: Male Country/Timezone: USA, Eastern Standard Time How someone should...
  26. Billy Cochrane

    Gaming Voice actors and writer wanted for GTA V short movie

    Requirements: GTA V on PC, a good mic and atleast 14yrs old. Looking for 12 voice actors, 2 media researchers and writer/producer atm. Contact me on Skype - halfdeadly for more details and a chance to join the team. Add doctorevil3342 as well
  27. Billy Cochrane

    Voice Acting Voice actors and writer wanted for GTA V short movie

    Requirements: GTA V on PC, a good mic and atleast 14yrs old. Looking for 12 voice actors, 2 media researchers and writer/producer atm. Contact me on Skype - halfdeadly for more details and a chance to join the team. Add doctorevil3342 as well
  28. Billy Cochrane

    Gaming Looking to collab on any PC game. Details in thread

    Requirements: You need to be atleast 14yrs old with a decent microphone. That's all. Note: I'm 16 and Scottish Just hit me up for collaborations. Willing to play any PC game. »Facebook - halfdeadlyyt »YouTube - halfdeadly »Skype - halfdeadly
  29. CQSerpent-PC

    Gaming Looking for a Short/Long term partner for scripted post commentaries.

    Hello, content creators. My name is CQ, Serps, or Connor, and I'm looking for one or more channels to make videos with on PC. However, these are not regular videos. I rarely make live commentaries, most of my audio is recorded post production. This means that my videos are usually gameplay...
  30. Kenney "Wafflesticks"

    Gaming PC YouTuber to Collab with

    I'm Wafflesticks and I play minecraft a lot even though I have plenty of other games I just want some people 14+ to collab with just put what games you have and skype and ill add you