
  1. Kaitlyn Moore

    Do need a niche and how connect with your viewers?

    Hi All, I've been on youtube for a while now mostly just doing fashion or lifestyle based videos but I don't like sticking to one specific niche as the videos are limited and I like doing whatever I find interesting and that I genuinely would watch, but do I need a niche to grow my channel? And...
  2. J.Kposowa

    A Small Change, Can Make A Big Difference.

    I was always gung-ho with my channel and its ideas, just throwing out what I thought would be good. But after watching Jump Cut Academy. They taught me to take a step back and find out who I really am. In doing so, I realised why my channel wasn't growing because I wasn't being myself and my...
  3. BrettTaylorYT

    Should I stick to a Niche?

    Hey hey hey! So when I first created my channel I had an idea of what I wanted it to be about in mind. The more I’m thinking about it and more work I’m doing I’m not sure if I want to/will be able to stick to that. So I guess my main question here is should I choose one niche and stick to it no...
  4. Visionauts89

    How to grow a channel in a niche that already has some great channels?

    Hey guys, I just wonder around, but how to you get noticed in a certain niche that's full of great channels? Great channels with a huge subbase. How can your channel/videos be detected in this climate? Greetings!
  5. shauna

    Help me out with my channel content/niche!

    sorry this is really long but i need some advice lol So I have been making covers for about 5 years now and I no longer want to do as many covers anymore as I dont want to be known as a cover artist. I know its good to have a niche channel but if im not uploading covers every week I cant...

    Split the channel or keep it Centralized?

    Hey all I hope you can help me, So I'm trying to figure out how to provide more value to my brand. I primarily do music content but I'm having a hard time with fan engagement and reaching true fans (across all social, not just YouTube unfortunately). From what I've learned and researched, I've...
  7. Samira


    I hope I am in the right part of the forum. Hey I am Samira I have been thinking about adding a new segment to my channel but I am unsure about the direction. At the moment I do monthly favorites, monthly design (I give myself a design project every month. However many have been asking for a...
  8. shauna

    What to do with my channel...

    So i make mostly covers and my main focus is music but i no longer want to be know as a cover artist so I wont be uploading covers as much anymore. I know its good to pick a niche and I want to create other videos but i feel like if i upload vlogs/lifestyle/short films/travel videos people will...
  9. Dutchie Abroad

    How to find your Niche || Who is your audience?

    Hello everyone!~ A while back I gave a quite elaborate answer to someone’s question about finding your niche on Youtube. I decided to write it out a little bit and share it with all of you. I’ll warn you in advance, it is quite a wall of text! If you are asking yourself what I am basing this...
  10. O

    How to find your niche?

    Hey Guys So I have been doing youtube on and off for the last 2-3 years of hobbies and stuff that I like how ever my intentions was to build up a serious business and I felt like no matter what I did I would also run into a wall trying stopping me from doing progress. I started a channel...
  11. Elissa Jordan

    Are Niches Limiting to Creators?

    Hey guys! My name is Elissa and I thought I'd pose this question to all of you because it's something I've been thinking about: are niches limiting to creators? I am a person all about creativity and creating content you want to create. If you don't believe in what you do, who else will? Every...
  12. allstarmel

    doing our first unboxing tomorrow

    so my niche is pet minding then i want to niche further into gaming with my foster cats to get them adopted (hopefully) my six year old just got a toy ( ooshes) from a client we did home visits for for two rats and hes SO excited he wants to open it on yt tomorrow...but then he went and got a...
  13. Rory Hollinshead

    Finding my niche

    Hey Everyone, Im 18 years old, im an aspiring youtube and film maker, ive spent years trying to start and get a channel. Making a channel, posting a few videos and then deleting the channel because its not working because im scared of what people have thought and then repeat. I want to be a...
  14. Samira

    Finding my niche

    Hey there, I started youtube for the fun without a niche to go into or any niche at all that is I was wondering if maybe it comes over time ? But at the moment i feel my videos are quite mumbo jumbo i consistently post monthly challenges and monthly favourites but the videos in the middel...
  15. Kyra

    What to do if I have a difficult niche?

    Hey guys! I post videos that aim to raise mental health awareness. I feel like this is a very specific niche that isn't as popular as beauty or gaming. So, there should be less competition, but I'm still having a lot of trouble breaking through. What do I do? Anybody else out there produce...
  16. Justoshow

    Need Advice. (Content)

    Hey everyone, My channel started out just as a comedy sketch channel, but now I am into vlogging (weekend and if I do something worth vlogging during the week). So my channel will consist of vlogging, comedy and probably diy/wood projects, story time, and home improvement stuff. Is this too...
  17. 10ACITY

    Niche Market?

    Hey YTtalk members, I'm a dancer on YouTube and so don't have a huge market to make videos for. I love the dance community on YouTube because it is loving, constructive and helpful. It has proven, however, to be very difficult to break into. I've checked out some of the tags the big time...
  18. Derrick Toys

    Advice for new channel

    Is it a good idea to combine girls and boy toys all in one channel or keep them separate? As it's easier to manage one channel vs two, I wonder if combing such broad niche of toys will confuse algorithm.
  19. MisterJDiggidy

    What Makes You Love YouTube?

    For me, I love YouTube because everyone has a place on it, no matter what you do, like how me some other channels make comedy videos (skits, sketches, parodies...), and others can make gaming, beauty, facts, pranks, or whatever they want! It is pretty great to see how every person has a place...
  20. Moses Minchuk

    What are the best ways to grow your channel fast but yet staying in your niche?

    My second channel has videos but I found that my subscribers and views stay the same and it really stresses me out. Does anyone have any ideas of how you would grow your channel fast within a year?
  21. KyleDB

    Trying to reboot my channel. NEED ADVICE

    Hello there, Recently I've posted my first video in my attempts to re shape my channel. I'm having a hard time trying to re-establish my footing on youtube, basically because I haven't had much of a grab on the platform. So I ask you YTtalk, [What is your advice for a channel trying to reshift...
  22. Daaave

    Is this possible?

    Hallo YT Talk, having a bit of a dilemma. I made my youtube channel about three weeks ago and have had lots of fun recording and edtiting videos. now that I have a better sense of making videos, I think it's time to identify my 'niche' per-say. I'm just not sure what I should stick to! I like...
  23. GooberVlogs

    YouTube or NicheTube

    Wazzzzzz up everyone =) Just wondering if you guys pick a niche and ONLY stick with it on your channel because i usually do vlog type videos but also had gameplay and cooking videos and challenges and other type's of videos on a playlist. There was a time when i first started and i didn't...