How do you come up with your video ideas?

For me, I find listening to music helps stir my imagination. I could listen to a song / instrumental piece and imagine a scene play out in my head that would accompany whatever music is playing.

Once I have at least one scene made out in my head I'm able to construct a video around that then.

Can be a lot of other things that can trigger it for me, I could be bored at work and an idea just pops into my head or I could just be playing GTA. The main thing I do though is not create a video until I have that idea, rather than trying to force one out of me.
Usually I just retell stories from work, school, or my daily life that I find to be annoying yet sarcastically/ironically funny.
Ideas will just randomly come to me and I'll make a note of them in my phone or on my laptop. Sometimes I get inspired by other youtubers but I don't want to copy their ideas so I'll always try and change it to keep it a bit more original. It can be hard to think of new creative ideas every week! I've often recorded and edited videos then not uploaded them or ended up deleted them because they feel rushed or just haven't turned out how I wanted. And sometimes if I'm really struggling to be creative i'll take the easy road and do like a tag video or something haha...but even then I'll try and keep them more amusing!
I keep a notebook handy at all times and just write down ideas. Mainly I'd just like to achieve the effect of being a friend. :)
Most of the things I just come up with while playing or maybe just relaxing/watching a stream or a TVshow. When I get some ideas I either write them on notepad or on a post-it. Later I might add or take it away if it needs some more fixing before I make the videos. Since I make gaming videos, alot of things just happends tho so I have no control over it, and just upload videos right after it happends. But sometimes alot of stuff can happen, and the next week nothing can happen, so I usually have some backup material just in case.
Ideas will just randomly come to me and I'll make a note of them in my phone or on my laptop. Sometimes I get inspired by other youtubers but I don't want to copy their ideas so I'll always try and change it to keep it a bit more original. It can be hard to think of new creative ideas every week! I've often recorded and edited videos then not uploaded them or ended up deleted them because they feel rushed or just haven't turned out how I wanted. And sometimes if I'm really struggling to be creative i'll take the easy road and do like a tag video or something haha...but even then I'll try and keep them more amusing!

Oh man, I call that part of my HDD the 'video graveyard.' Our youtube channel also has a bunch of what we have deemed 'sub-par' videos sitting in our unlisted list that we decided not to make public at the last second or on the day with short notice.

As for what our channel does to come up with ideas. I think we mostly just wing it. Such is the nature of let's plays (and I use the term let's plays loosely).

But for our comedy content (commentary or parodies) we sit down and improvise a video over and over again with the mic recording, then chop and change all of the good stuff into a final draft script, which is then rehearsed and recorded. That can take upwards or 6 hours on a good day.
I brainstorm when I ride my bike or go for long walks. You can get inspired by anything, and I find that nature helps relax me and get creative. Also, what is cool is, when you are in public, even out with friends, watching other people or stuff that is around is all cool new material. You can spin that one idea more and make a video about it.
I was thinking about a video idea, and then i though about how i thought of how i get my ideas. How do you guys get your video ideas? :D
Usually I come up with them in the shower or while i'm laying in bed right before I go to sleep because thats when my mind is really creative for some reason, and then I'll write them down on my phone or a note pad. If I cant think of anything then I'll look at some trending topics. I've only done that once recently but it gave me a video idea that I'll probably make soon. How do you come up with yours?
I was thinking about a video idea, and then i though about how i thought of how i get my ideas. How do you guys get your video ideas? :D

I usually just think of them at random times, and when I do I put it on my phone.
But if I had to come up with an idea all I need is some music.