How do you come up with your video ideas?

Initially, I just thought about video topics that I really want to get across since there are a lot of misinformation about them out there. Then I started listening to what the audience wanted. Now, I still do listen to the audience but I'm shifting to more SEO-based opportunities within my genre (fitness) and try to hit any topics that have high chances of return of investment via search and suggested video realm. It's a tricky transition since some of the topics I have to do are pretty elaborate, but so far, so good.
Ideas just comes to me at random times and I jot them down to maybe do at a later date. I'd been planning this channel for about 6 months before starting it so I've got about 50 potential video ideas at the minute so thankfully it should be a little while before I'm not sure what to make.
Sometimes its trial and error and sometimes its random. The ideas I got from the past were all very challenged based for example "Finish all of the training" or "Get through this map in a certain time" sort of thing. All depends on the game and what you can do.

A lot of my video ideas come from just playing games.
The only planning I ever did was a topic to talk about, but since then I have slowed down on vlogging and started to focus on my car shows and actively pursuing car reviews videos. They require planning time wise, but the rest is pretty on the fly. I don't do conventional car reviews, mine are more from the gut. I am planning a motorcycle tutorial video section though, to help aspiring riders out.
Always an evolution.. But music, cool videos and films help me a lot in this workflow :D

I use to "take time for me" before recording or writing ^-^
I'm pretty specific in what I shoot. Each week, I have three general topics (hair care, recipes, self esteem), so within those boundaries, I just have to find a more specific topic. Once I have that (say, a recipe for cookies), then I can build the script outline for it. It's pretty straightforward.
Usually I come up with them in the shower or while i'm laying in bed right before I go to sleep because thats when my mind is really creative for some reason, and then I'll write them down on my phone or a note pad. If I cant think of anything then I'll look at some trending topics. I've only done that once recently but it gave me a video idea that I'll probably make soon. How do you come up with yours?
Well, sometimes people recommend videos to me, and sometimes i look on the news for whats trending! Or sometimes they just come out of the blue! :P
They most of the times pop into my mind when studying, haha. I stop studying and write down the idea real quick, this way I can continue working on it later that week