How do you come up with your video ideas?

Coming up with the initial idea of what to talk about is the hardest part for me. Once I finally do, everything just comes pouring out when I sit to write it down. I usually get ideas through interactions (usually awkward ones) that happen throughout my day. I find that those are the easiest to talk about because they're more personal and you can't really go wrong anywhere with them.
When I make short films I'm inspired by lots of things, but mostly music and daydreaming. If a daydream is interesting enough to keep my attention, I start wondering if it might be interesting enough to keep other peoples' attention. Good music also makes it easy to picture things.
For my Ten Minute Bible Hour channel it's much easier though, because I just do research on whatever part of the Bible is next and then talk about what I found out. It's really a relief not to have to wonder what I'm going to come up with next, and that's a big advantage of having commentary be at the heart of my format.
For me, having a YouTube channel that focuses on letsplays, I get a lot of my ideas from my viewers. People are always messaging me on YouTube or Twitter telling me about cool games they would like to see me play, and I prefer doing it this way because it helps me to personally connect with those viewers that wanted me to play a specific game. Other than suggestions I usually just use the website which is a database of indie games, most of which are free to play. It also keeps track of the most popular games and games that are soon to be released so it's a pretty good place to find new ideas!
Right now I am the type of YouTuber that waits till the last minute for the idea, I will search up other video ideas that i think i could use my twist on it. and just record its not a really effective method but has been working for the past month for me :) I recommend writing whatever comes to your head and choosing what you feel comfortable recording whether it is gaming, blogging, etc... hope this helps.

Well I'll listen to game music radios sometimes (homework/study music), or be playing a game, and hear a song, and I'll be like :O, and write it down on my word document. I also use this document to keep track of the voiceover videos I want to make... though usually I'll come up with some other idea which more often that not overtakes the list... and I get hyped for that... i.e I have a full list of songs to cover on my cornet... but then I heard Gourmet Race for the first time in years... now I've almost finished that... ahaha... I just make whatever interests me at the time.
I don't prepare at all, I press F9 and talk like a moron and say things I will regret 2 years down the road thus leading to the deletion of the video.
I get the biggest books I can find (dictionaries, encyclopedias, bibles, ect.) and I point to letters in that book at random, and I hope the the letters I choose will make coherent sentences/words that I can make ideas from.
I suppose inspiration comes to us all in different ways. For me its when I'm totally switched off from the world and I take time out to process my own thoughts, so as a few guys have already mentioned on the bike, running or generally giving your mind a rest from the buzz of the world.

Just be sure to note down any ideas and be sure to revisit them and cross check them against a YouTube buddy or I suppose these forums could help...hopefully no one goes around stealing other peoples creative...if you like it then partner up.

I'm no pro but the best ideas come from your subconscious so listen to those little thoughts and build on them. Just be ready to jot them down as you'll lose them as soon as they appear.
