How do you come up with your video ideas?

It's mostly 10 minutes after I try to sleep. A lot of thoughts begin to flow through my head and I just try to catch best ones and also I have notebook and pen right near my bed because I forget everything in about 10 minutes. In rare ocasions it is when I wake up in the morning.

P.S. Forcing thoughts don't work. I have to be honestly tired for this method.
I can see my video in my head as I'm thinking of the idea so
i just make it as close to my mental video as possible. I also write down ideas in a journal and choose from those each week.
Depends on the style. Highlights and Promos are "forced" through the system. Which can easily be seen, as some are way better than others.
The commentaries are more "random". Depending on what type of game it is.
The non-highlights/promo and non-commentary. Are just if I feel like it. If I feel there are som "need" for it at all.
My ideas coming when i watch some videos on YT, when i go to sleep, and when i just lay in my bad for rest or nap and then like a million ideas coming to my mind. :)
Numerous things make me come up with ideas. Certain songs might inspire scenes in my head, me and my friends might be joking around and I think "I could make that a video" or I could be on the bus thinking. I keep a notebook in my bag to write down any ideas I have :)
Sometimes my ideas just come to me out of the blue when I am relaxing, other times it's when I am reading something or watching something. It varies. I had a long list of about 50 ideas which would of kept me going for many weeks but I have lost it :( and now am stuck for them haha
I mostly love just going off the top of my head once the camra is rolling ,
But usally i make scripts just for when its a more serious video (:
I'm just starting to get the hang of it. I had problems with a creative block, something like a writersblock. and slowely it comes back. mostly when I ride my bike home. I try to write them down before I forget them.