How do you come up with your video ideas?

It depends, my ideas can come out of no where. Or they can come from a song that I have recently heard, once I have the Idea I go straight to work on what the video needs.
I usually get in the shower in the morning and think up something and if I can't think of something I'll talk to my friend during the day at school and I usually come up with one or two ideas and I'll write them down in the notes of my phone. When I do come up with something in the shower, I try to write a script or something before I have to go to school.
I really have to get myself a paper notebook today before I forget all the things I have in mind. I just have the feeling all my ideas drip out of my nose with this weather.
Well, I only have one video at the moment but ideas keep on popping up every now and then so iI just write them down or type them in my phone.
In terms of ideas, i kinda just look around on Steam for Games. I normally go free form in my vids and react accordingly. Unscripted is how i run normally minus the intros and outros that i do. It makes it more fun for me and less structured so there is less stress involved.
I make comedy videos and mostly the ideas come to me at random times of the day. Usually when I'm trying to sleep. Usually just the title of the video comes to me, something interesting or unique. Then my head will just write the story out from there.
Some of my interesting video titles:
The care home for people trapped to varying degrees within items of clothing (coming soon)
Terrorist hostage party (Final name - Best Birthday Ever).
Man caught procrastinating on secret camera.
Child Catcher Diaries.
Killed to Death.

I just let my imagination wander.
I am a daily vlogger, but I have a boring life. Therefore, I am working on adding some spice to my content. Any ideas?
I do what I am passionate in. I do what is fun for me personally, and my audience. Gaming is a very passionate area for me. Then, I just play on a variety of gametypes/servers and my audience is entertained. You also want to be focused on one area. For example, if you come up with a brilliant idea, then stick with the basic theme. Don't change your theme every video. :)