How do you come up with your video ideas?

I get ideas through out the day, MAKE SURE you always have a piece of paper or your phone to write it down because for me I forget the idea right away lol
This, what you're about to read, is weird. You've been warned. Don't judge.

I mostly come up with my video ideas on the toilet. Yup, I have no better thing to do so I pretend I'm sitting on my bed talking to a camera and some really good s**t comes out. *see what I did there*

Also, just before I sleep, I sometimes think about all that YT stuff, and my brain decides that it's great to mess with me just before I'm about to sleep - it gives me great ideas that I'm too tired to get up and write down. I usually do, so, yeah... Whenever you're pooping or almost sleeping, remember me. Khm. I'll pretend for the rest of my life I never wrote this.
I get my ideas when im in the shower and deep in thought.
(My mum wonders why the hell im in their for an hour lol)

Or when its extremely late and the night giggles have set in, its then all my big projects that take planning sink in haha

As for the steps afterwards, I write them down on my phone as its the last thing i check before i sleep and from there I move onto my PC which holds Celtx (A script writer). :)
Since I am a science channel, sometimes I wonder and ponder about things throughout the day. If I think other people might be wondering the same thing, I do my research and write a script. Then when I have time I make a video out of it.
I brain storm for video ideas, by writting every idea i have down and taking inspiration from other peoples videos! (My favourite being CutiePie marzia) I draw the compostion and write a flow diagram of a basic structure to the video and then film film film!! I also ask my friends and families opinions on what they'd like to see me do next! Now i'll be asking you guys!
I ussualy get them before I go to sleep and when Im dreaming something about real life I turn that into series. Sometimes It takes a week for a great idea but sometimes a day is enough.
Since I met a serious youtuber last year ,I just sarted making videos about everything ,I have made about 1800 videos in one year ,Most of them about things that hapen in japan ,but some are sketches songs ,if a song comes to me I sing it into m I phone so i keep the melody,I also collect all kind s of objects so I try to use my imagination to use that thing in a sketch or joke..Also IO make sone commentaries on thingsin the news