
  1. DoubleDoki

    They are a pain... but I kind of enjoy the attention =)

    Its weird but whenever a copyright claim drops on my videos (before I kindly ask them to stop - and they listen most of the time thankfully) I say wow at least you're getting some automated legal attention which in turn forces said artist to MAYBE see what you are working with. I have actually...
  2. xiplays

    Help from Copyright experts?

    Hello everyone. In the last week I decided to give vlogging a shot by filming my fan experience at a soccer match. It was the game between Tottenham and Atletico Madrid - for anyone who's interested - and the video featured little footage of the game itself (which was taken by my own camera)...
  3. O

    Copyright Explained on YouTube (YouTube Pays A License)

    I just got done talking to an intellectual property lawyer who specializes in copyright law over as He told me that YouTube pays a license to allow cover songs and sound recordings and you follow the policy given by YouTube you are are legally allowed to upload copyrighted...
  4. matharris99

    Background Music

    Can you use the instrumental of a actual songs as background music in your videos as long as you put a link in the description for the instrumental version? could you do that and not get copyright claims against you?.??.
  5. S

    Copyright Claim (NEED HELP ASAP)

    So I recently got a copyright claim on my latest upload on YouTube. And what I did, was I cut out the part that had the copyright claim in it. It was an audio claim. However, after I did this I still had the claim on my video. Here's where my problem is. If I appeal it one more time, since the...
  6. O

    YouTubes official blog says we have permission to upload copyrighted content

    YouTubes creator blog posted recently that record labels have a license agreement allowing content to stay up via content ID claims.Read what I attached.
  7. P K Saha

    I have 22 "Includes copyrighted content"!

    My channel has 97 videos. And not monetized. Even I don't want to monetize. But I received 22 "Includes copyrighted content". What next? I don't know. Is there any chance to get suspended or other feature? Please guys help me!
  8. K

    Does a 15 sec video scene face the risk of copyright claim?

    Sorry I'm a beginner here. I have recently just uploaded a youtube video featuring top 5 funny moments in One Piece(Anime). Right after my upload, immediately the Content ID labeled my video as "copyrighted material" by TOEI Animation. So I have a question, if lets say in my video there is only...
  9. Kousuke-shii

    Avoiding Copyright?

    Hey guys. I just wanna ask you about how to avoid copyright claims especially for anime videos. I see these anime channels making commentaries and talking about anime but once I did this last week I got a content ID match which then lead to a copyright strike just yesterday. I just want to know...
  10. P

    Where is the line between free use and copyright? (Music)

    Hi there I'm posting this to find out any information on using music in videos. An example, 2 best friends play a popular lets play channel has a kirby theme tune for the beginning of their videos. And on many others they have some copyright music on to set the mood etc. There are other...
  11. VikkiinFlaw

    DIY Copyright

    Hi all, Can anyone tell me if I could get a copyright strike if I do a DIY vid but follow the steps from an article on Printrest or any other website? I plan on saying that I found the DIY project online and posting a link to it in the description. Do you think I could still have problems...
  12. Kousuke-shii

    Did I get a copyright strike or not?

    So, I just uploaded a new video and 20 mins later it still isn't showing. I checked my email and saw that I got a copyright claim on my latest video. I disputed the claim and it says that the video will go back up and the copyright claimer will have 30 days to respond. If they don't respond...
  13. Christian's Crazy Life

    Can I use an instrumental version of song in my video?

    I'm currently editing a video about my Beyonce concert experience. I want to use the instrumental version of her song, "Formation", in the video. Is that considered copyright? I already have one strike on my channel (from a previous lyric video... bad idea.) and I would like to avoid getting...
  14. SandManOnly

    Copyright Claims!

    So I had an outro with a song called: Knife Party - Bonfire, and I have been using this outro for about 1 year or so and last week someone had the guts to copyright claim one of my videos only 1 because of the outro song -_- and I had to delete that video because the people who claimed the...
  15. magnamious

    Make copyrighted music not copyrighted?

    So I heard that if you used copyrighted music and changed some things on audacity, Youtube wouldn't be able to pick up on the original song. Is this true?
  16. Adeelcool

    Using pictures from google images

    Can I get a copyright strike from using a picture from google images?
  17. T

    Are these copyright strikes fake?

    I'll try to keep this short. I take youtube very seriously, and I take their copyright laws very seriously as well. I ALWAYS delete videos that get matched copyright ID. I like to go to Video Manager > Copyright Notices just to make sure there isn't anything there. I checked it yesterday and saw...
  18. T

    My account is in good standing but 2 videos say I have copyright strikes?

    do I have strikes or not? 2 videos got matched content ID so I deleted them. i had no problems, but now they popped up in my copyrighted videos list. they said they got taken down, but I deleted them a long time ago????? each video says I was given a copyright strike do I have strikes or not...
  19. Kousuke-shii

    Will I get a copyright strike if...?

    So, I'm currently in the making of an Anime related video so obviously I'm gonna be using clips and pictures from different animes. The thing is, I see a lot of anime related channels get copyright strikes because of using parts from different animes. My question is, how high are the chances...
  20. Thulium

    Someone stole my music on YouTube and is selling it online.

    Hello everybody, Since many years I am happily monetising my videos on YouTube, most of them are my personal piano performances of famous piano pieces by Mozart, Beethoven, Tchaikovsky etc. Since the beginning of this month, I got some copyright claims from a company named EmpireDi, which...
  21. Sinser

    Song in an Intro

    If you only use like a 10 second clip of copyright music in your intro is that okay or not? Your answers would be appreciated.
  22. Clockwork collective

    To Eat the Copyright or not to eat the copyright

    HELLLO. My channel is a collective we are still very very small, we do Vlogs. We all have a cinematography or photography background so the idea is to target the creative audience. BUT... As I'm trying to put out my best work I want to use the music I think adds the most to the film. That...
  23. priincesseevee

    Is talking about anime, TV shows, video games illegal?

    Is talking about something like Pokemon for example illegal? Like if I make a video talking about or mentioning a series or something copyrighted, would my videos get taken down? And would it be the same if I included an image from it in my video?
  24. and_the-teddy_bach

    Copyright law on Remix?

    Hi everyone. Do you know what the law on remixes is? I understand that cover songs fall under copyright law, but what about Remixes?
  25. AuthorFilms Studios

    Video claimed FOR NO REASON!!

    CD Baby is back at it again, with the claims and strikes. So, I uploaded a video today (scheduled for tomorrow at 8PM) that had the song "Joakim Karud - Love Mode" in it. As some of you may be aware, ALL his songs are licensed with Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 (Royalty Free with...
  26. Spaceshipcontrol

    Using branded products

    Hey guys, I have a question. Am i actually allowed to use branded products in my videos? In my videos, sometimes I use food items like cans of sodas or bottles of milk. Those have logos and names of certain brands on it, for example Coca Cola or Monster Energy or EDEKA. Is it okay if I put this...
  27. James - TimelapseShop

    What are the YouTube copyright rules for pictures?

    So I recently saw the Battlefield 1 (bf5) trailer, and I have screenshot with a character I really want to use in a video. But am I allowed to do this? Will my channel get a copyright strike from using a screenshot from this trailer, even though channels are posting the actual trailer and...
  28. and_the-teddy_bach

    Grade Vs Santoro (Plagiarism exposed)

    Hey everyone. Grade published a video yesterday (sadly he doesn't publish frequently) and he smashed Matt Santoro, saying that he plagiarised content. My question is: Do you think list videos should share their sources in order to proof where they got their information from? I mean, in this...
  29. Shadow17

    Can I post "lets plays" of any game? And what are the rules I need to follow

    I plan on posting some lets plays on my channel but am having difficulty grasping how to post a video without getting in trouble for copyright, as such i have not posted any videos yet. Are there any tips for how I can go about this?
  30. Uraflight

    Copyright owner changed their mind

    The owner of the video approach another youtube user and kindly ask to remove the video which was uploaded by them illegally without permission. Then the illegal uploader ask for permission to use the video on his or her channel. The copyright owner agreed with that only if illegal uploader...