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Did you meet your goals in 2015

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If you set any channel goals for 2015 did you reach them? Did you miss them? Did you exceed them?

I was originally heading for 500 subs for the end of the year, adjusted the numbers to 700 and am currently at 777. So it seems to have been quite a good year ;)
I discovered some new social media groups for my content and improved my thumbnail skills. Both may have contributed to the channel growth.

How about you? Why do you think the year went as it did for you? Especially if you participated in the goal thread at the beginning of this year:

@TommyTLG @DutchMash @Lightsen @Shendijiro @MarkSkoog @OddSockGames @Andrew Flint @Ka-kashi @Selim Keles @Travart @RayzorStudios @AmberAndGolden @HeyoTheo @FireshockHD @AllChillNation @Harley Pring @CineSpaceMedia @kami @Sweet Tooth Outlaws @LMJSparky @Crown @CoolMoo5 @TigerMEdits @RageFocus @Soundburst @TheDutchTexan @TheScarletBlaze @Vertico @EmilyJM @BillyVlogsTV @TundraZer0 @Harmony Carmel @babyteeth4 @Weallstink965 @Yolfie @Chrisicut @Brandon'sWorld @Emily @It'sDumi @Karly @Shawn Parotte @Crhistian Payumo @The Math Sorcerer @Rairi @JeriKane ...

Hey, congrats on the great success, 777 is a great number :)

I set myself up to try and hit 50 subs and 500 views and passed them both, so for two months it's not bad going :D
Now. Now I have reached my goals for sub and view count for the year~ It's an awesome feeling ^^

But a faster video production is still not achieved when life is the obstacle. >.> Hoping for better production speed for next year. That's my goal for next year rather than numbers for now.
Im really close to reaching my goals for 2015, im 9 subs away from 100! even if i dont make it to 100 subs by this year im still happy with my progress. ive made over 50 videos, made my own intro, improved quality of whole channel, reached 50 sub milestone and have great playlists for people to get into. now im exited to see what the new year will bring. i dont want to promote to much but if you guys are looking for a channel with alot of good games with commentary, stop by my chan. lets get me to 100 subs before the end of the new year. channel name is bazerath
Well, since I started on the 30th November I really didn't set a goal on how much will I get in December, but my current status is 23 subscribers and 400+ views on my channel.

I'm happy for that and I'm hoping for plenty more of people to support me in the new videos. :)
Well, I'm now at 236 subscribers. Seeing as I was expecting to be at around six after six months, I kinda don't really know what happened. I guess I met my goals for this year? I don't know. If I keep going at this pace I'm going to try for 500 or maybe 1000 by the end of 2016 because yay subscriber numbers :D:D:D:D:D:D
Mmmh...good question.
The only goal that I can remember I set last year was to earn at least 1000€ this year through my YouTube account, which I did.
In terms of views and subscribers I am also happy.
But I'm not satisfied with the low amount of video I uploaded.
Absolutely... Especialy because today in morning reached views goal which I set up for end of this year and for early next year.
Next year should be great without any problems at all (I hope so, thank God I got some GB's for network if I create some short unedited vlog tomorrow or in next couple of days at Velebit)
Absolutely... Especialy because today in morning reached views goal which I set up for end of this year and for early next year.
Next year should be great without any problems at all (I hope so, thank God I got some GB's for network if I create some short unedited vlog tomorrow or in next couple of days at Velebit)
You have more subs than views. Interesting.
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