Hey everyone, not long ago celebrated my first milestone of 50 subs, which i'm super proud of and am now almost at my 100 sub goal (currently at 87). maybe by the new year ill get that 100. My most recent milestone is i've made 50 videos. To me that's a big accomplishment beings i had no videos 2 months ago as well as no idea or experience in the process. i love every video, good or bad and the reason is, it was a learning curve from video one to now. You can see the progression and i only hope to get better as time goes. another reason i'm happy is that it wasn't easy, nothing comes easy and youtube is the same. i've got a busy life with a wife and 2 kids. My 4 year old who loves games like me and an 11 month old who just learned how to walk. I work in the oil field and have had some down time to focus on the channel. I'll expect when it gets busy ill have to make more of a schedule so i can manage my away time, and home time. Recently i was doing 5 vids minimum a week but im doing about 4 now just so i can have family time and still post videos regularly. This channel is worth every minute and i truly love to entertain. Thank you to everyone who supports the channel, you guys rock and thank you for being active in the comments. 50 videos is alot of work, and takes time, effort, and patience, lets get to 100. I'll catch you guys in the next one!