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Did you meet your goals in 2015

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I tried to hit a pretty unrealistic goal of 500 subscribers (go hard or go home) but I'm currently at 129! That's still pretty good from starting out at 0 at the beginning of the year:smug:

If I get to 130 by the end of the night though i'll be ecstatic lol

Goal 1: Create a website and offered my music (5000 tracks) free to YouTubers.
Goal 2: Have 1500++ videos using my music to date. Small and Big channels. Met some awesome YouTubers along the way.
Goal 3: YouTube channel just 2 weeks ago.
If you set any channel goals for 2015 did you reach them? Did you miss them? Did you exceed them?

I was originally heading for 500 subs for the end of the year, adjusted the numbers to 700 and am currently at 777. So it seems to have been quite a good year ;)

Congrats on the 777! I was hoping for 100 but fell a little short at 60. Hoping to far surpass it in 2016!
I launched my channel on 27th September 2015 and I was actually happy to end the year on 68 subs and 16,000 views. I know that doesn't sound ground breaking but for me it was an achievement.
If you set any channel goals for 2015 did you reach them? Did you miss them? Did you exceed them?

I was originally heading for 500 subs for the end of the year, adjusted the numbers to 700 and am currently at 777. So it seems to have been quite a good year ;)
I discovered some new social media groups for my content and improved my thumbnail skills. Both may have contributed to the channel growth.

How about you? Why do you think the year went as it did for you? Especially if you participated in the goal thread at the beginning of this year: http://yttalk.com/threads/goals-for-2015.151543/

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Yea i did, i started my channel a little late in 2015 but i reached my goal of 200 subs currently at 204 , i'm quite happy & proud :)
I tend to aim high in most things but I didn't want to get bogged down in youtube numbers, so I just sort of vaguely thought it would be cool to hit 50 by the end of the year. I did so shortly before Christmas, and it was indeed cool! :cat2:
Yea i did, i started my channel a little late in 2015 but i reached my goal of 200 subs currently at 204 , i'm quite happy & proud :)

Hey Just visited your site and just 4 months in with 200 sub. Awesome.
Just wondering if you are actually paid license for your music to monster cat?
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