I Love YTtalk
Man what a thread. I've been living under a rock. Had no idea channels we're getting taken down. I get it though. I don't like my kid getting exposed to some of that questionable stuff. To save your vids, Maybe in addition to removing tags you guys should also change your thumbnails in case any of your thumbnails look a bit wild. Thumbnails are the first thing we see. Don't need to make their jobs any easier with a loud thumbnail.
I'm still having the same monetization request reviews I've been having like a month or so ago. Pretty much every new video I upload gets hit with the demonetizatiom and I've just learned to deal with it and request manual review over and over. It is a bit annoying though. I just wished I would get a notification so I can request review right away. Derral eve mentioned the ai needs a lot of input so I'm just waiting for the ai to learn that my vids are ok. I didn't realize maybe its my tags. But my videos are young kid friendly so im not too worried.
I don't think YouTube is going the way of banning kids channels in general. There are a lot of popular family vlogs with children and I think it would be confusing to determine the rules of when it's ok to have kids in videos or not. I'm pretty sure family vlogs are acceptable to YouTube. I keep mentioning our fav is axel show.
But yeah we probably need to be overly cautious about the material we put up in these sensitive times. On another note, I thought YT was demonitizing only new vids. But I just found like 20 older vids demonitized for I dunno how long. Doh!!! YouTube!!! I guess more stuff for me to deal with.
Man, DHL that rock over here, I would gladly get under it for a few weeks or months till this blows over....
I think everything will be default demonetized from now on, till the boiler room human reviews look through it. I can just see it, dozens and dozens of rows of grey cubicles with heads hunched down reviewing kids videos.
Who was it who said "may you live in interesting times".