YouTube is Removing Videos - Are You Affected?

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youtube. googleblog. com

Thanks. Read it, hmmm.
In principle good idea, protect kids, all for that.
My jist of it is all kids content is being funneled (=forced) into the kids app more or less.
So we're talking abou incredibly safe content for 1-5 year olds, there is nothing in the app for any kids older than that, ok maybe 6.

Not very clear on what's permitted for a kids channel when watching the main youtube app or on pc. anyone clarify?
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They will address it later and provide guidance to people making kids content.

This is another interesting read
www .buzzfeed. com/charliewarzel/youtube-is-addressing-its-massive-child-exploitation-problem?utm_term=.itJLJONdx#.iddw2VGp9

I notice the BuzzFeed article says the guy contacted the FBI. That could be why were are under extreme purge protocol right now :-(
If YT actually planned for this, and the purge isn't actually just a reaction to bad press, then you'd think their guidelines would be available at the same time they're deleting some of the largest YT channels. Some of those 50 channels weren't even "bad" content. For example, Toys and Funny Kids Surprise Eggs made baby-superheroes claymation videos that were super friendly + cute. Totally shocked to see them terminated.
Anyway, back to my main point, if YT has been planning this for a while, then they definitely had time to create + publish new kid's content specific guidelines.
List of subjects or keywords triggering demonetization for my channel (mostly toy play):

Nerf -
I used a Thor Nerf hammer to tap hot wheels cars into small figures. This may have been too violent for the reviewer.

Hammer -
I used a mickey mouse hammer to gently tap Tonka vehicles (transforming them) to teach kids car names.

Bad Baby / Crying Baby -
I made videos where a plush doll acted as a baby on the high chair. I fed the baby fake food after teaching the viewer the names of fruits and vegetables.

It may be a good idea to omit crying baby sounds in videos.
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My channel wasn't deleted, we went through and deleted all our superhero baby related stuff, but the purely educational content that's left has all been demonetized. Not yellow dollar signs, but black ones. As in, they disabled our monetization without warning and without strikes.
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