Who inspired you to start making Gaming Videos? =P Storytime...

I mad a couple years and years ago back in 2008 i used to watch a youtuber called UltraNeko and Couple of Guys called Challengers ultraneko was a gril who would would play the first half an hour of a game and review it based on that she also made little sketches inside the review the resident evil guys would set several hard challenges around usually many resident evil games and attempt to complete them in one night they first inspired me than i left it, and started up again last year.
I mad a couple years and years ago back in 2008 i used to watch a youtuber called UltraNeko and Couple of Guys called Challengers ultraneko was a gril who would would play the first half an hour of a game and review it based on that she also made little sketches inside the review the resident evil guys would set several hard challenges around usually many resident evil games and attempt to complete them in one night they first inspired me than i left it, and started up again last year.
That's pretty interesting, nice to know your going back at it...inspiration can steer you towards many great things =P
I always watched a lot of YouTubers, and thought I could do things better so I started my own channel.
The big channel everyone does know here probs is SSundee. The rest are all dutch youtubers.
Indeed i kick myself for not staying at it since back then it was not as hard to chip into as it is now
Yea, I did the exact same thing because I felt sort of burnt out and didn't really feel like making videos anymore...and now, I still get pretty much the same 3-4 views a video XD but i'm still working
here is my story.......stay a while and listen [game ref]

i started watching the odd youtube video many years ago, when looking for a game review or trailer. eventually i found myself watching total biscuit for my gaming needs, and the became an avid fan of all his work including the brilliant co-optional podcast. this led me to discouver many other channel that guested on the podcast. including jim sterling, jontron. kinda funny games. i think i have always been too old for the likes of pewd, jack and markiplier. i never really found that humour funny.

8 months ago i found myself with some spare time, working from home. so decided to start up my own channel, because in my over inflated egotistical opinion. i was a lot funnier than most of those gamer youtubers. and quite frankly i have zero gamer friends that i could share my opinions and thoughts with. so here i am today, with my own little corner of the internet and loving every moment
We started VideoMasters back before the internet, but back then the only people that would see our VHS shows were ourselves and family, and at the time noone really got it. When Youtube came around I found out you can just link a digital camera to the computer to get your videos online, and bam! Luckily (or unluckily) I did a search an discovered there were other guys called Videomasters, so we changed it to Video Game Masters. Man, we saved ourselves from random people we don't know complaining that we took the name.

The reviews required editing and I throw in some skits here and there, but those take time to make and put together. When I saw that people were posting just unedited playthroughs of games, with or without talking, I figured it would be something fun to try out because it was quicker and would help fill the void between VGM episodes, and I guess people might like our random banter.

As for WHO inspired me directly... IDK. There are so many Lets Players right now, but I'll tell you it wasn't someone big like Markimoo or Pewds. I think the first LPs I saw were of the Genesis version of Battletoads and Double Dragon since I had the SNES version.

I have vhs tapes too, starting in 1990 but I doubt I'll ever put them up. Iretrogamer has video like this too from the Vhs days and he made one where he got the SNES on day one. It reminded me of when I got an arcade game for my birthday so I made that and it was my first video. But I've stepped away from games because Ino one cares about any game before 2015 it seems.
I'll be honest: My cousin.

I got my first computer capable of doing something in 2012, and he had asked me could he use it to videos, I have no problem, looking at him do his videos, I got into watching gaming videos, and ultimately gave it a go myself, and here we are. I love doing YouTube, I've had many channels, but no matter what I keep coming back.

So yeah, technically, it was my cousin who decided to ask me could he record on my PC, lmao.