What happens when you miss a goal?


I've Got It
Hey everyone!

I started my channel about 2.5 months ago now, and I'm so glad I started new and fresh with Dan's Life. My first month was great and I earned about 28 subscribers, which I was so shocked and happy with! So when I thought what my next goal was, I said to myself earning 25 subscribers a month would be my self-motivated goal. Plus I had earned a few more than 25 this month, just incase the next month was a bit slow
Well at the end of July, I was only on 38 subscribers, meaning I was 12 subscribers down on the goal I was chasing. BUMMER!

So I basically wanted to open the discussion with everyone, what do YOU do when you don't reach a goal/ milestone/ achievement? What is your strategy or plan following on from that?
I'm going to chug along and make weekly videos as always, but maybe I need to get back on my promo game some more or re-evaluate how I do things. What do you think? Happy to hear your suggestions

Dan x
i don't really have set goals. especially for subs/views. youtube is sooooooo variable and random, i just try to make consistent and good content and then cross my fingers lol
I've moved this to the main YouTube forum. =) The milestone forum is for members to celebrate achievements rather than discuss how to achieve milestones, so this discussion will fit better in the main YouTube forum. ^_^
I wasn't active on my channel for the longest, but with weekly videos I've been seeing an increase , (which has been awesome) I'd say try not to skip, but it's not too bad if u do, what I do is just make an explanation video, explaining why I'm late lol,
Consistency is key, which isn't my niche at the moment. Also quality and viewers interests. Good luck and congrats on the first 25+ subs!

EDIT: If the goal isn't achieved, continue what you're doing except, keep in mind of the viewers interests and what they might want to watch in the near future. Think of how to implement those ideas into your upcoming videos.
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Just to clarify; I'm not asking why I haven't met my goal. I'm asking what you do as a creator when you don't quite get where you thought you might or you don't achieve your goal. What's your next plan of action?
When you miss a goal you re-evaluate what you're doing and also make sure the goal is practical. It's hard to predict subs in a short time. Maybe focus on views, ranking or likes?

My goal wasn't met in a video and I realized the topic was too narrow and the search too competitive, even though I enjoyed it. Next major project is to find a more popular topic with less competition
The first time I set a goal I didn't reach it, and it taught me that setting goals is a ridiculous idea because there's no way you can influence the subscriber count, especially if you don't have searchable content or a specific audience to target. You're kind of at the mercy of the algorithm.