What do you think is an essential for making YT videos?

Depends what kind of videos your making. If its gaming its a computer with decent specs so that you can get a playable frame rate (tired of people thinking 15fps is watchable). If your console gaming its a capture card and again a computer that can edit videos. Vlogging is a good camera. Please don't make vlogs with a 360p camera. If its a prank channel... actors (git rked keds). etc... and for every type of channel you need a good microphone. Please don't record on a potato.
Patience. Two years after my first upload before I became partnered, then three years from it before I finally hit 1,000 subs. It's definitely something to be in for the long haul.

I agree with this. I see so many posts from people who have had a channel for a month or so saying, "Why hasn't my channel blown up yet?!?!?" If you want to be successful at anything, you have to put the time in and be in it for the long haul.
Honestly, whats essential that you have a passion and love for making videos. Cause without that your content wont be what you like and you just cant continue