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Yo guys its me BrownMonkey101 here! I currently have over 100 subscribers and would like to find channels with similar sizes to collab with!
If you do decide to collab with me then great, because I can help you to grow and in return you can help me!


1. Must have atleast 50 subscribers
2. Gaming / commentary only!
(sorry again!)
3. Must leave a link to your channel and your skype in the replies!

How this will work? :
We'll both make a video playing a game (minecraft / gmod / online games) or doing a dual commentary or something like that, we'll both upload and in your video you'll shout me out and in mine I'll shout you out! This way we can exchange active subscribers and both GROW!

PS: If you don't have 50 subs but create amazing quality content then we can still collab!
Ay Bro if you wanna Collab I'd be more than willing to do some GMod stuff. I have a good amount of subs on my hands, and I feel our channels are a perfect match for awesome content! My skype is tjrodriguez0403 and my channel name is Zapadap. Check it out if you want and message me on skype if you wanna continue the conversation. Not gonna lie my friend the second I saw your channel, I immediately saw great plans for the future!
Ay Bro if you wanna Collab I'd be more than willing to do some GMod stuff. I have a good amount of subs on my hands, and I feel our channels are a perfect match for awesome content! My skype is tjrodriguez0403 and my channel name is Zapadap. Check it out if you want and message me on skype if you wanna continue the conversation. Not gonna lie my friend the second I saw your channel, I immediately saw great plans for the future!
Thanks dude I'll be sure to contact you
I only have 19 subscribers but that is because I just started uploading. So if you are still interested in a collab my skype name Is JayQwery.Justin
Just took a look at your channel and if you like we can collab..

Youtube channel: ComputerFiguur
Skype: ComputerFiguur
Steam: ComputerFiguur
Perhaps we can game with something sometime. :P
I have close to 150 subs right now and I've been looking for some fellow gamers older than 18.
Skype: ihsawoski
Well, looks like you have lots of takers, but I'll post mine up if anyone is still looking.

We are Confidence Crew, a group of five gamers, and we do mainly video/commentary. We have about 100 subs as of now, and we definitely want to collab to mutual benefit, and mutual shoutout.

SKYPE: nam3lessone
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