"THE SPLIT SCREEN" - The ULTIMATE Comedy Show for Those Who LOVE Local Multiplayer Gaming

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We wanted to combine fun, local multiplayer gaming with the variety of a reality show format. We mix our let's plays with commentary interview cut-aways to expand the story of each player. This allows for drama and comedy to create some of the most entertaining let's plays we've ever done. We are using shows like Geek & Sundry's "TableTop" as inspiration for "The Split Screen". Our day job is video production and we're bringing this experience to our show and our channel to not only entertain but also deliver a show with high production quality.

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We are exploring a wide library of 4 player local competitive games across any and all platforms both current and retro. We will be featuring games that are very popular and games you may have never heard of.

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We will be releasing new episodes of "The Split Screen" every 1st and 3rd Monday of the month. Our goal is to grow, improve and entertain. We appreciate (AND NEED!) any and all feedback you give to help us make the best show possible.



Watch later episodes first. We're continuing to improve the format as we learn from each video. Thanks for watching![DOUBLEPOST=1488496077,1488495893][/DOUBLEPOST]We just uploaded Episode 3! This time we duke it out with our long, pointy...tusks in Starwhal.

[DOUBLEPOST=1488496176][/DOUBLEPOST]This time we duke it out with our long, pointy...tusks in Starwhal. Episode 3 is LIVE!
