Just because someone has loads of subscribers will not make me subscribe to them any faster. But honestly said I dont like it when people hide their sub count.
I get turned off by channels who hide their subscriber count as well. I'm not sure what it is, but it feels shady to me- even thought it isn't technically "wrong".
There's actually a strategy behind hiding your subscriber count.

If you have a video getting lots of views meaning over 10K+ views and your sub count is low. I recommend hiding your sub count for about a week you'll see an increase in subscribers verse showing a low sub count.

Very Important: Again This strategy won't work unless if you have a video with couple thousand views.

You have to understand the how the majority mentality of people on youtube work below:

1. Regular users who are NOT youtube creators are bandwagoners they like to see high view counts or high subscribers.

2. Other youtube creators can be haters by competitive nature so they won't subscribe to you. Suppose you have a gaming channel you are not going to subscribe to another persons gaming channel who has less subs than you. Your also not going to subscribe to another gamer's channel who has less subs whose getting way more views than you when you're doing the exact same thing. Finally you're not going to another gamer's channel who you think doesn't deserve the views or attention they're getting base off the fact you don't like their videos.

So when you turn off your low subscriber count you leave people with only 2 options the high video view count and whether or not they liked the video.

Someone mentioned you should appreciate all your subscribers. While this is True.... You have to also realize a lot of people press the sub button and never return to your channel again.

I have tried and tested this with my gaming related channel. I don't know how this applies to vloggers or makeup artist etc.
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I would agree with almost everyone here in that it is a put off when I see someone has hidden the subscriber count. No matter what your views are, I practice the religion of full transparency. Let's be honest, if your content is good enough most people will subscribe regardless of your current sub count.
I also think hiding it can lead to distrust with your viewers, plus not hiding shows you care more about your viewers then the sub count.
Hey guys. Currently I have my subscriber count off. I have less than 100 subscribers so I feel like that might stop people from subscribing because of that, but at the same time, I feel that, because I have the count off, others might not want to subscribe. Any thoughts?

I have been on Youtube for 9 months now and I always kept my subscriber count private. I guess it was because I was ashamed of the low ammount of subscribers I have seeing how much big youtubers are out there.

Just today I decided to make it public. Personally, I wouldn't feel like subbing to someone who keeps their subs private, so I though why was I even doing it?

Also, I hope I see some kind of growth from now on because altho I still have 423 subs (all of which had subbed when the sub count was private), I have 15k views. Is that a good ratio? Thanks
I'v dabbled with hiding and showing my count. Generally speaking it shouldn't be hidden as it can put people off. When I ran my test, I thought hiding it worked well because I got an influx of subs. Turns out they were people who saw my comment on a popular video.

It's advisable not to hide it as people think you're hiding something.
Hide it it does make a difference you get more subs that way people judge you on popularity and always want to hang were everyone is. You WILL get more subscribers faster as long as you have the views coming in. When was the last time you saw on T.V. how many people are currently watching????