Recording = Awkward?!

Ever play a horror game and your dad comes running in when you scream thinking something is wrong? Let me tell you, telling him you are not hurt but are recording something is a very awkward conversation. lol
yeah! cause they hear me talking to myself and laugh and they be like um you okay:cold:[DOUBLEPOST=1467958717,1467958678][/DOUBLEPOST]
WHEN HORROR hits the roof then I'm with ya on this!:roflmao2:
I see, I thought you just meant the laughing part, the talking to yourself part seems to do quite a bit with that questioning LOL.
YEAH DEFINITELY HAHAHA:bounce: ever had a similar experience happen to you?:eek:
I checked out your videos they're good man. I was surprised that you kept cursing, I thought I was the only one who kept saying b***h, s**t, mother f****r like 50 times in every video rofl. Good to know someone else is doing that too.[DOUBLEPOST=1467965886,1467965618][/DOUBLEPOST]
YEAH DEFINITELY HAHAHA:bounce: ever had a similar experience happen to you?:eek:
Oh and to answer the question, no not really LOL I let them know ahead of time that I'll be talking to myself so don't worry . :p
I checked out your videos they're good man. I was surprised that you kept cursing, I thought I was the only one who kept saying b***h, s**t, mother f****r like 50 times in every video rofl. Good to know someone else is doing that too.[DOUBLEPOST=1467965886,1467965618][/DOUBLEPOST]
Oh and to answer the question, no not really LOL I let them know ahead of time that I'll be talking to myself so don't worry . :p
YEAH SAME HERE AND DUDE we have roughly the same games we should collab if you ever got the time! and I watched your DBDL vid and I laughed at WT* is M1?! HAHAH:giggle:
Yeah that's what I was thinking. I saw your FNAF Creation. Your reactions were priceless LOL ( didn't even know they had that game ) and that looks way creepier then FNAF (The Original) I just downloaded it and I'm going to play it tomorrow. More than excited to collaborate yo. When do you usually record? FireVeteran is my Skype.
I still can't record with my husband being in the same room, done it once and my voice was so quiet it was horrible. I don't really have any special tips other than let your mum and dad know what you are doing and just do it.