my revenue went down these two days - 50 % (from 32 $ to 8 $ a day) even that my videos still have the same views number and more ! i don't get it : /
What is everyone's RPM so far in January. Mine was around $2 in December and it's dropped to .55 cents for Jan.
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my revenue went down these two days - 50 % (from 32 $ to 8 $ a day) even that my videos still have the same views number and more ! i don't get it : /

What's to get?

YouTube doesn't set as prices, the advertisers do.

Companies say how much they're willing to pay to have an ad displayed (anything from $.01 to a few dollars) and, when it's time for an ad to appear, YouTube goes to the list of appropriate ads, sees which one one is willing to pay the most, and displays that one.

Once Christmas is over and the big sales and spending is over, there's not much of a need to advertise...and, with most companies blowing through and exhausting their advertising budgets for the end year and holidays, what they bid to displaying their ads goes down significantly.

As already stated, things should return to normal by mid-Feb (with possibly a quick spike Super Bowl weekend).

This happens every year.
Everyone needs to look at it as something that just happens and be thankful you get an oportunity to make such high revenue between august - december. It's all part of the cycle so getting depressed/upset about it is pointless. Be aware of it and save your high month $$$$ for the downturn.
It says it has incomplete data for Jan 1st. I'm not sure if that's been fixed or not, but I'm getting like $0.80 per 1k right now, when it was $2 around Xmas. Biiiig drop if it's correct and updated.

Not that it means much to me, seeing as how I spend more on food and drinks for the video editing process than I make, but still.
The thing to look at is how this compares to last year's first few days of January (really we should wait out the entire month though). My RPM for these first few days of the year is 40% less than that of 2015. My views are higher, but they aren't higher due to extra traffic from foreign countries (which would explain a steep drop compared to last year). This drop is due to lower advertiser costs due to lower competition due to the continual increase of number of videos vs available ads to go around. That's just my opinion, and I'm usually not a 'sky is falling' type of guy, but this is not good. I'll wait out the rest of January to see if anything picks up.