I have something to get off of my chest...

That's not a bad strat at all.
It does work, all those people who comment 'Notification Squad?' or 'I hope everyone is having a nice day' gets subscribers all the time.
-_- but I like to watch 2 minutes of the video and comment something funny so it isnt rude LOL.
I try to comment on videos I'm already binge watching, but that's a while after the video already came out lol.

Also, networking is what one of Vanoss's coherts said helped him (moo snuckel). It's not entirely necessary, but getting a group together like that can help people play off each other and grow together.

I also like the idea of playing something trendy once a week. I desperately need to get on that because I wanna try new games anyway, and frankly, I'm always playing games that are months, if not years old or games no one cares about.
Although people say that tags,description & titles are essential, I think interacting with people is also a key to success.
You say you got inspired by Vanoss & other youtubers, if you're subscribed to them, whenever they release a new video and the video is
less than 1,000 views, I suggest commenting something funny, then upvoting your own comment.

Usually if you have a decent icon and are one of the first person who comments, people will more likely thumbs up your comment
making you the top comment = people checking out your channel.

This is how I get people to check out my channel, -_- although im a girl and my icon is basically me smiling, I guess that plays a factor too. LOL.

I will be making a indepth guide on this today on the forums :)

You don't even need to do all of that to get views and subscribers.
All of that? it's not hard work lol. If you're already on Youtube might aswell do it whenever you get notified a youtuber released a video.
The first 100 subscribers is hard.

There's an easier way for sure, but it takes time and patience. Most people can't wait for the YouTube Algorithm to start promoting their videos, so they take to these tactics. It definitely won't help your channel grow as much as you want it to. You'll probably get a handful of views here and there, but nothing significant. And the small amount of subscribers you gain will be inactive.
You never know. Some jerk that sees your channel this way could be the jerk that shares it and makes you rich and famous beyond all comprehension. Mebbe not, but it still doesn't really hurt.
There's an easier way for sure, but it takes time and patience. Most people can't wait for the YouTube Algorithm to start promoting their videos, so they take to these tactics. It definitely won't help your channel grow as much as you want it to. You'll probably get a handful of views here and there, but nothing significant. And the small amount of subscribers you gain will be inactive.
They won't be inactive, it's not the same thing as sub4sub.
If I am watching a newly released video on a new game & someone is also watching it, then comments back & subscribes to me
there you go, a new friend & subscriber.

Everybody has to start somewhere. Getting one loyal person subscribed to you is still meaningful.

If your top comment gets 2,000 likes, 3% of those people probably checked out your channel.
That's like what, 60 people? and some may even subscribe to you.
They won't be inactive, it's not the same thing as sub4sub.
If I am watching a newly released video on a new game & someone is also watching it, then comments back & subscribes to me
there you go, a new friend & subscriber.

Everybody has to start somewhere. Getting one loyal person subscribed to you is still meaningful.

If your top comment gets 2,000 likes, 3% of those people probably checked out your channel.
That's like what, 60 people? and some may even subscribe to you.

Good luck.
For better tags, I recommend a YouTube add-on called TubeBuddy, it really helps, it basically suggests tags and tells you what ones are popular and unpopular, it also tells you when the best time is to upload based on your channels algorithm. It's free too, and ofcourse you can pay for more features but the free version is good enough. The list is endless in what it can do for you

Yeah you're right. I just got it and its amazing how it helps with the tags and keywords, quick simple and easy. I'm fixing all of my tags in each video, thanks for telling me about it.
Reported. JK. I feel the same way about using Google Adwords for some of the videos I was more proud of. It's a legit way to get views, but I feel like a spammer. I feel the same way about my channel and subs, with not really ever getting views and interaction (and having lost 22 over 4 years or so while still being below 100) and I pretty much have the same resolution. So stop copying me. Just kid, just kid. But yeah, I'm trying to be more active with my channel. Inactivity and inconsistency will kill you and I've been very much of both over the 4 years I've been around. My kingdom hasn't been amassed like I wanted. I'm trying to polish things up as much as myself and I'm glad to see I'm not the only one. It's good of you to admit to all that and try the legit way. And don't worry, other youtubers that are now famous have done some dirty stuff to help out. Hell, Jontron tagged all kinds of popular stuff in his first few videos. They might still be there for you to see if you check. I saw them for myself a few times. I don't think COD, Xbox 360, or PS3, had anything to do with Daikatana... You've sort of strengthened my resolve to not gaf about views and subs, so maybe I'll stop with Adwords completely. I might try a channel trailer and put an add out for that and that's it. I do suggest that. Saw someone else do it and it reminded me that it might be a good idea. That way it's just a trailer and isn't as spammy. Worst part is, only my in-stream adds get approved, so people are ASSAULTED with my crap while trying to watch someone else. Not a good idea. But yeah, do a channel trailer and try that. And good for you!

Yeah I totally agree. And yeah a lot of us go through that phase of doing something a bit shady to try and help with Youtube when we don't feel like we're getting the attention we deserve, or if it's greed and we want more. Either way it's still not the best way to go about it, it'll feel amazing when you see natural independent growth within the videos themselves. I feel that if you don't care about the quality of your videos, your efforts, then the fans won't care either. Honestly as long as you're consistent with the right tags and editing, the people will come eventually, sooner than later