How'd you get the money for your equipment/gear?

I'm older so my husband and I had the money to buy my first video camera. It broke recently and we did not have the money (kids in college) so I was able to get the animal shelter to buy a camera for me to use.

Do you have pets? I've licensed two videos of my dogs and have earned a couple hundred dollars. They weren't anything special (one was viral). Try filming your pets (or a friend's pets) and license it to Rumble or Storyful.
No pets yet I sure want a few dogs one day when I can afford it.
Well it helps that I'm a filmmaker by trade (currently studying Cinema at university) so my gear has a purpose besides YouTube. But I just save up until I have double the amount I need for a piece of gear, and then I buy it so I wont be hurting my wallet too bad. Just work as much as you can, get a second job, etc. Good gear takes time, don't buy cheap stuff because you'll be paying for better stuff or repairs down the line.
Buy all my gear from working 48 hour week 12 hour shifts :)

After tax take home about £750 a week so i bought a computer headset etc. Just got a new car so cant afford a nice mic just yet so gotta use my headset one lol
I work a good old retail job nearly every holiday break I have off from school and I also ask for things for christmas/my birthday, that way even if I have to split the cost, I still don't have to pay for all of it. I also don't have a life really, that helps.
For my current PC build (Which was $1800 AUD in January) I spent an entire year saving for it, with my work and everything, it was difficult because life just decided to be that way. The software was actually a birthday present from a group of friends overseas who got it for my 20th. 10 of them came together to buy me it, and I've used it to the best of my current abilities.
I am in school and have a part-time job as well as a pharmacy tech...pays pretty well, I am a good saver, and I asked for a camera, tripod, and lighting for Christmas and my parents agreed so as of recently we use Connor's dad's camera or my iPhone 6 to film videos! Just use what you have and work your way up to different equipment, it usually is not possible for people to go and drop thousands of dollars on anything so make it work the best way possible!