How'd you get the money for your equipment/gear?

Coming from quite a rich family I can easily afford the camera stuff without having to save or work for it (I'm still student).
However I work hard on getting the money I spend back in, both through the YouTube Channel and other video jobs, simply because it's a good feeling to know that you got something through your own work.
I'm used to being poor. It teaches you ingenuity. I capture my footage with an app on my xbox and I edit using windows movie maker. I make my thumbnails in paint. Actually, this computer isn't even mine, I'm borrowing someone else's to do my work.
I work hard and save, in between saving for my next travels around the world. I also have a credit card that occasionally gets used. I've been using the same camera for a year or so now, so currently saving up for the G7X mark 2. Bought my GoPro with some Christmas money I received though.
I'm older so my husband and I had the money to buy my first video camera. It broke recently and we did not have the money (kids in college) so I was able to get the animal shelter to buy a camera for me to use.

Do you have pets? I've licensed two videos of my dogs and have earned a couple hundred dollars. They weren't anything special (one was viral). Try filming your pets (or a friend's pets) and license it to Rumble or Storyful.
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I've accumulated things over the past few years. One thing you can't buy is experience. Time and patience are an investment and virtue.
I'm working at McDonalds and getting no more than 10 hours a week which sucks,I'm working on finding a better job within the next 3-5 months. I could also make money on the side by fixing things or flipping stuff off craigslist If I really wanted to since I have tools and am pretty handy. I just want to know how everyone saved for their equipment and maybe learn ways I can make more money. Excuse me for any broken rules if any here.

I'm all about making smart financial moves! Heck, its what my whole channel is about! And as much as I would like to get a DSLR camera, I feel my phone has done a really good job so far. I don't know what type of phone you use, but try using the better camera on it and record in good lighting. I've really been impressed with the quality I can get out of an iphone.