Don't see it as a step backwards! Especially after a break, any new upload will remind subs of your existence and they'll realize if they do or do not like that notification. If they unsub because of it, you're better for it! Because those are 6 inactive subs you just got rid of. 300 active subs are much more valuable then 700 with only 300 active once. Why? Because of watch time, retention time and views. If you have 700 subs but only get 200 views, that will not help you!

And you can see it from a different perspective as well. It's been 6 months. You've grown, you've changed. And those subs might have changed as well. Interests change. So see this as a new start, cleaning out the house, ready to redecorate! New subs will come and they will love you for the person you are now, not the person you were 6 months ago :)

Thank you! I was feeling pretty down the other day, but this comment really helped. I love a fresh start!
you should focus on your goals and not obstacle. if you stop now how are you gonna reach your goal. we all know there’s gold at the end and we just need to keep pushing forward no matter how hard it is. we learn and get stronger from hardship. keep moving forward and focus on your goal. goodluck!
You will always lose subs, even through no fault of your own. Some “clean” their accounts, and others are just deleted because of spam accounts. While you will always lose subs (we all do), focus on the bigger picture... subs over time.

With that in mind, subs are not as important anymore. YouTube focuses on clicks and watch time now.
If you are returning or transitioning to different content it's a battle that will often take a while to sort out a positive sub gain again. I just returned to active posting on my main channel after missing a number of months too, and it's the back and forth gaining subs losing subs battle right now for me too. Probably will be for a week or two.

The key thing is to put out the videos because they will move you towards gaining subs again. Once you've shed the uninterested subs it will be up from there. Just a necessary part of the process.