lost subscribers

  1. kenziecantdraw

    How to Stay Motivated When Subs Are Dropping

    I started building my channel in Fall of 2018. By December I had over 700 subscribers. Unfortunately, due to a mental health issue, I had to take a break from YouTube and was inactive for 6 months. During that time I lost a couple subs, but mostly gained. I was even invited to become a...
  2. Rachel Berry

    Did Anyone Else Take a Hit?

    NO, this is not a post about taking a hit of a joint. But god knows it'd be more interesting if that was the topic matter. As of yesterday, I had 138 subscribers. However, last night, apparently YouTube did a "dead subscriber scrub" and eliminated a lot of subs from some accounts- including...
  3. Meatloaf Princess

    Used an ingredient in a new way in video but lost two subscribers

    In my latest video, I stuffed a meatloaf into a black chicken, which is commonly used in Chinese soups and not stuffed like any ordinary chicken. As a result, I lost two subscribers and immediately got two dislikes. But I'm really confused, as the point of my channel is cooking with ingredients...