I Love YTtalk
This is awesome

This is awesome
Man I can't find that anywhere on dashboard or in the creators app. And I don't use a computer most of the time =( so tubebuddy i can't use
This is awesomeI have TubeBuddy anawl, but never knew about this part of it.
Thanks for enlighten me lol
So if it doesn't have a rank number next to it then it means the video ranked worse than 20th for that search word/phrase?
So do you think the video description play a good part in how well the video ranks in searches?No, I do not max out the tags. I put more emphasis in formulating an effective description that uses keywords in a natural, easily read format.
So do you think the video description play a good part in how well the video ranks in searches?
So do you think the video description play a good part in how well the video ranks in searches?