How do you come up with your video ideas?

My videos are how to instructional so I suppose that makes it easy for me. I just say ok Im going to make a video .. and I make one. After I slam out a thousand videos or more it might start becoming more difficult .. or at least I will need to be more selective in choosing what topic I cover.
I get ideas at work all day - I've got a pad of paper that I write them all in and build off of them. People talk about stuff that makes me get ideas, when I'm out and about I get ideas. Inspiration strikes at all times!! :)
I start with a topic I know and try to formulate a show around that. My videos have structure of, Intro, body, outro, so I just write pieces that fit that mold.

I use Google Drive for my outline writing, it's great since I can access it at work, home, on my phone or iPad.
Recently I've planned nothing and just talk to the camera. I improvise, I watched Hank Green's advice about editing vlogs to help cut out everything that wasn't needed. That helped me a lot.
I'll usually be just be living life when all of a sudden something happens or something reminds me of something to Vlog about. And usually I watch yotube Vlogs at nght so when I'm done/going to sleep all these ideas rush into my head. and then when I want one immedietly I look around my room while I think haha.
I get ideas at work all day - I've got a pad of paper that I write them all in and build off of them. People talk about stuff that makes me get ideas, when I'm out and about I get ideas. Inspiration strikes at all times!! :)

Work is where I get most of my ideas too! I work in an art gallery, so I am surrounded by creative people and stuff. I have a notebook I keep in my pocket as well.
I come up with my ideas when I'm with my friends, at school, doing homework, shower,when I go to bed, listening to music, and just getting deep into my thoughts daydreaming. I improvise on them while I'm creating/editing
I have a notebook where I write down anything that comes to mind that could potentially make a good video. Sometimes I'm able to develop it into something, but often I just end up saving it for later use.
i also do the same thing but i always end up procrastinating and it is so annoying lol but i gotta work on it..this is a good way to come up with ideas along with being on the toilet and shower