
  1. TheCUBE01

    Short Film A trailer for my upcoming work

    Hey guys! new member here this is a short segment from my latest work Chapter 12 Neptune feel free to check the rest of my work ;) Click here
  2. LandyVlad

    Video Editing & Creative Software 2021

    Video Editing & Creative Software 2021 Context ‘Back in the day’ when people were looking for a professional, feature-rich video editing solution there was really only one answer on everyone’s lips “Adobe Premiere”. Fortunately since then things have changed for the better. There are a lot...
  3. T


    The best free sound effects for YouTube video To get the sounds click HERE
  4. dreikelvin

    Services [For Hire] Robert Jung - Composer and Sound Designer

    I am a freelance composer and sound designer with a studio in the area of Amsterdam, Netherlands. My work is commissioned for TV, Film, Online Productions, Interactive Experiences and Games. The services I offer: + Audio direction and sourcing of content, voice talents and instrumentalists +...
  5. Sammie

    Short Film New York Film Makers

    Looking to put a team together of people with all different skill sets that could be useful in making a short film. Currently working on a short film for a competition if anyone is interested in working on it with me DM me on instagram my instagram is @LividLady.v2
  6. Alan Spicer YT Tips

    Improve Your Audio Quality - 5 YouTube Sound Tips 2018

  7. Stefanie Davis

    What do you do if the killer is in the house, and you're on the toilet?

    We made this short film for the My Rode Reel competition. Concept came from a couple friends with too much wine making fun of horror movies. Enjoy
  8. Curiosity Ridge

    Are you hooked?! A trailer review

    Hello, I recently created a trailer for my channel! This is designed to briefly showcase the type if content I create. Any and all feedback is appreciated, but specifically I'm looking for the below. -can you understand what im saying? -does it grab your attention? -does it seem interesting for...
  9. Jared Poirier

    First Video with Sound Effects

    Hey guys! My latest video on the Justice League movie is the first in which I've utilized sound effects. What do you guys think of my implementation of sound effects here? How could I do it better?
  10. ProfKranc

    Royalty Free Music Sites

    So if you want music you can use while also being able to monetise your content? Here's a list I've gathered over time to use in these types of videos :-D Make sure to check the details on the website just in case as some do carry fees and Terms and conditions :) LIST BEGINS...
  11. Lonely Pyramid

    Request Short film score/sound design

    Lonely Pyramid Films is a U.K East Midlands based film production company and we're currently on the way to producing our first short film "YELLOW". We are looking for talented musicians, score producers and sound designers willing to work with us. You do not have to be U.K. based but if you...
  12. The Unwanted Letter

    Videos quiet

    So my videos seem a bit to quite i know stuff like music and sfx is needed but in between i simply just have room tone and sound effetcs and it still feels too quite to be engaged but do you all have any suggestions
  13. Arrowdance

    Differences between Sony Vegas & Adobe After Effects

    I'm a Sony Vegas user, but I recently heard about After Effects, so I'd like to know what's the differences with Vegas, the pros and the cons. Could you tell me, guys?
  14. olimueller

    Voice over... i am not used to listen to my own voice

    I wonder if i am the only one who think its strange to hear your own voice on a voice over. I made my first video in which i am talking. As you can tell, English isnt my mothertongue and i wonder if the voice aspect of the video is ok? I mean voice itself, tone, language and overall...
  15. Robbie B Sounds

    Services Royality Free Sound Effects And Music

    Robbie B Sounds is a studio dedicated to releasing FREE sound effects for the purpose of providing creators with the great quality sounds to enhance the creativity and popularity of their content, all our sounds are provided are safe from any copyright claims or infringement. • Robbie B Sounds...
  16. Aerdian

    Sound off in Adobe Premiere Pro CC

    Hello, I did some rendering and exporting for my YouTube channel today, but after a few hours, all my gameplays finished and a large majority of them contained off audio. The sound was coming before the video. Does anyone know how to fix this?
  17. ZactheRipper

    Issues syncing audio and video FCPX

    Hey everyone I have used final cut pro x for sometime now and know about synchronizing clips based on audio. Lately however I have been editing facecam, game play, and separate audio files for both, to make a single video... I end up spending more time trying to line up the audio than editing...
  18. ZactheRipper

    Sound quality...What kind of Mic/Software do you use???

    Hello, I have been having a heck of a time trying to find a quality microphone or software... I started off with a snowball and my brother got me Neewer NW-1500, which to my surprise sounded a ton better... I have sound dampening recording area but my mic still sounds echo'ed I have tweaked...
  19. ColdRansom


    Hi everyone! I've been struggling with noise complaints since my first multiplayer title, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. Now that I am a gaming YouTuber who lives in a home with people who have "normal" sleep schedules, I am restricted to recording only when I am home alone. If you have seen...
  20. RealBananaCrafter

    Apowersoft Free Online Screen Recorder

    Hey guys, RealBananaCrafter here. I have been using a great screen recorder online. It records a customizable section of your screen, along with both microphone and system sounds. Many customizing options. Search up apowersoft on Google. Apowersoft also provides plenty of other tools. -RBC
  21. sebasty010

    Services Free Music, Sound Effects, Loops (Original)

    ** Get more than 25 music tracks (many genres available: orchestral, pop, electro, ....) . ** Get hundreds of sound effects. ** Get many Loopable Tracks. And all of that is for free, just check my YT channel and read the videos description to find more info. I'm sorry that the number of...
  22. Te-Erika

    What is this bubbling noise in the background of my videos?

    Hi. I have recently noticed a bubbling sound in the audio of my videos and it is AWFUL. It sounds like a fish tank. I have closed my windows, turned off the ceiling fan and it is still there. I use my webcam and built in mic that came with my laptop. What can I do to improve the sound quality...
  23. goombanna

    Short Film Always looking for crew

    Hey all! So I write/produce/direct/act in all of the sketches on my channel, and I have a whole list of more that I'm looking to shoot in the future! So I just wanted to get the word out there that if you're a cam op, sound person, or gaffer and wanna collaborate with me, I'm more than happy to...
  24. M3CHAN1SM

    Request Looking For A Woosh Sound For Transition

    I need a free, quick and LOUD woosh or swoosh sound for putting into transitions such as the ones that MumboJumbo and Welsknight use!
  25. itsamymelissa

    Recording Commentary Sound?

    Okay, so, I haven't been recording videos for youtube for about two months now because I have been trying to fix the sound issue I've been having. I was using the elgato live commentary recorder. Then they updated their software, and I thought it would have fixed, but it didn't. I am not sure...
  26. MargaretsJourney

    Video without speaking: Yes or No?

    Hi there! I notice more and more that I prefer in my videos to combine not-speaking with speaking elements. I feel (for me) that just outright saying everything is too obvious. So I try to work with post-its, short clips, etc. To try it completely from the different side, I decided to make a...
  27. ComputerFiguur

    Getting a decent microphone

    Hello! Ive started Youtube almost a month ago and i'm really enjoying it. But i am annoyed by my sound! So i want to buy a decent microphone wich doesnt cost more then 100 euros and still does the job. At this moment i use a 60-euro gaming headset so a 100 euro microphone should improve a lot...
  28. hcetiny

    Using Purchased Sound Effect Libraries in Videos

    Does anyone have experience with using sound effects on your videos from sound libraries that you purchased? One famous example is the BBC sound library. It is stated as royalty-free sound, but I'm not sure whether I can simply monetize it. I know that there are lots of free sites offering...
  29. Exotik

    Want some feedback on my latest review video!

    So my channel has been up for about three weeks, and its been going really well so far (114 subs). Anyway, i was wanting some feedback on my latest headphone review. I spent a long time making it and want some ways to improve! Video:
  30. Dweros

    Audio feedback

    We changed up how we record our audio. I was hoping to get some feed back on it. Feel free to chime in on anything else as well but mainly concerned with the audio. Be gentle, thanks :)