I would not say these are the best headphones under $200 sorry bud.
It was ok the camera shook a bit which really messed with me.
Also what is that little blur at the bottom of the video. It is really annoying.
You seem like a youtube copy(Austin Evans etc).
I would say branch out and try to be yourself.
Also sometimes when you weird things you use your words in the wrong sense.
Also it seems like you just grabbed the headphones you use and tried to spiff them up to the best headphones under $200.
How could i try and make the video a little less generic in the future? Any little things would be much appreciated!I personally think it looks pretty good.
The video does seem a little generic with the dubsteb, and the intro with the dubstep, i dont really know, just something like that gives me the "generic" video feeling.
pretty well edited.
put together well.
the shakyness didnt really mess with me too much. but it kinda bothers me a little.
overall if i were to rate this video on a scale from 1-10, Id give it a 7/10
reasons for rating:
generic like
a little shaky
but overall an OK video
i honestly couldn't help you with that too much cause i dont do your type of videos.How could i try and make the video a little less generic in the future? Any little things would be much appreciated!
Thanks for all the advice, really appreciate it!i honestly couldn't help you with that too much cause i dont do your type of videos.
but if you want, try and use something other than dubstep, thats probably the most generic it could get. ** little note** That doesn't mean to stop using it in general just use it less.
now using something close to dubstep is fine or just a different genre in music would be better.
i'm not too sure what else i could do to help... maybe try and use more shots of the product than just like 5-10 repeating shots, maybe show how much the sound leaks out of the headphones.
if i think of anything else ill requote you so youll be upddated.
youre welcome man, good to see your channel is doing well, and hope it does better in the future.Thanks for all the advice, really appreciate it!