milestone reached

  1. fadder8

    Just made 5k

    Just recently hit 5K, and while that isn't a lot (especially in my industry) I am still very delighted at the support and love I receive from you all.
  2. matchawapple

    200 subscribers!

    After posting videos for about 2 months, I noticed that it does take a lot of time and effort to create youtube videos. You just have to be creative, try out making new videos, find what's right for you, be consistent and love what you are doing! If you're not enjoying the content you are...
  3. matchawapple

    Finally reached 100 subscribers with my gaming channel! :)

    Hey guys! I finally reached 100 subscribers! Since I have a gaming channel posting videos for let's plays and gameplays, it is definitely more of a challenge to promote my channel but nevertheless it is fun to create and edit videos!
  4. VRONA

    Finally Reached 7,500 Views After 4 Years!

    After 4 years of my channel sadly growing very slowly, we are now at 7,500 views! It took way longer then I expected, but hey, I am finally there. Now I am only 2500 views away from the big 10,000 where I can finally start doing stuff like monetizing my videos and finally hopefully grow like a...
  5. VRONA

    200 Subscribers! Finally After 4 Years!

    After a 4 year struggle, my channel has finally reached the grand 200 subscribers! It took just a year to go from 100 to 200, so let's hope this is a sign of my channel finally growing, and slowly getting out of the pit it is in. These 4 years have been a rollercoaster. From steady growth at...
  6. Janell

    10 Thousand Subscribers and Growing!

    Hello Everyone, Our channel has now reached this terrific milestone, and now we are pushing for 50K Subscribers. It may take sometime, but we will enjoy the journey!
  7. MZ-101

    Hit my Milestone!

    Okay... So, I haven't posted here in a while... 201...! That was my milestone/challenge. (While I won't post the link here) I posted a video on my channel a while back that basically said 'If I don't hit 201 subs by 16th of January 2016?! I'm finally giving up YouTube and deleting my channel!'...
  8. Sk Jony

    Reach 800 Subscriber quickly.

    At least I reach 800 subscriber on my channel quickly. When I reach 700 then I took long time, but now I gain 800 very quickly. Thanks to support our channel and stay with us.
  9. SimpleUnboxingTV

    First 20 subs and over 500 views!

    Im happy to announce that I finally reached my goal of getting the 20 first subs! The channel is fairly new and I am trying my best to put as much quality into the content as I can! i posted my first video 28 oct 2016 and it feels like the channel has been gaining lots of support in that short...
  10. FunWithTheBugs

    We Hit 1,000 Subs!

    Our channel started on 6/3/2016 and we hit 1,000 subs yesterday. A few months ago we were basically frozen at around 600 subs and thanks to some users here and some other awesome YouTubers we were able to fix some things with our channel that really helped our growth pick up. I didn't see this...
  11. Rafij Rahman Rohan

    Just Hit 200 Subs!!

    Hello best friends, So finally today I hit 200 subs, which is really awesome.200 amazing people joined our family.Thanks to all of you great people, this community & obviously YouTube for allow me to do what I love :)
  12. Jonatan Moser

    40k and counting!

    I just hit 40k views! Or, rather 42.254 to be exact actually... THIS MEANS MORE THAN 10K VIEWS IN LESS THAN A MONTH! Okay, sorry for the outburst, but I just couldn't keep it in... Sadly I don't think this insane growth rate at the moment (30% view growth in a month) will keep going, at least...
  13. GregRawinski

    100 subs & 1800 views!!! Happy days!

    I know I know it's only 100 no big deal but it is a small milestone for me. Just couple of stats if anyone is interested: - Recorded and published 13 videos so far - 1897 total views - 2885 minutes watch time - 12 comments - 47 likes - not even $1.50 earned lol ;)
  14. Aresteele

    500 Subs! My second official Milestone!

    Hello everyone! I just wanted to celebrate my achievement of reaching 500 subs! It's been a long time coming for me since it's incredibly hard to get noticed. But if any of you from here have subbed to me, I just want to say thank you for the support! I'm looking forward to building my channel...
  15. JerseyWonder

    Just Hit The 20 Sub Milestone!

    Hey all, I'm so happy I've reached the 20 milestone of subscribers, (well 23) now haha! It may not seem many but I'm happy that 23 people actually enjoy my videos and have subbed to me! Next step is to 50! Thanks all, much love
  16. Rafij Rahman Rohan

    Thanks For 100 Subscribers

    Hello best friends,so finally we hit 100 subscriber on this channel & the best part is we did it in less then 3 months.Honestly this channel is because all of you guys.Thanks for giving so much support & showing your love.So this is a 100 subs special thank you video just for you guys.Hope you...
  17. Rafij Rahman Rohan

    Finally Reached 100 Subs!!

    Hello best friends, Today I just hitted 100 subscriber on my channel & we did it in less then 3 months after starting this channel which is pretty awesome.Currently I have 112 subs on my channel & the best part is I got my 16 subs today.I'm so happy,I mean I'm more than just happy guys.Yeppy...
  18. Rafij Rahman Rohan

    Crossed 2k Views!!

    Hello best friends, I just crossed 2k views on my YouTube channel & currently I have 76 subs which is freaking awesome.Thanks for all of your supports!! Thanks a lot & have a great day :)
  19. Rafij Rahman Rohan

    50 Subs Reached!!

    Hello best friends, I just hited 50 subs on my channel & we done it in 55 days after I started YouTube,which is pretty awesome.So I just want to say thank you so much each of you guys for giving me support.Without your support my channel is nothing.So thank you all for showing your love.I love...
  20. Rafij Rahman Rohan

    Crossed 1k Views On My Channel!!

    Hello best friends, I just crossed 1k views on my channel which is pretty awesome & it's my birthday today.So overall this is become my luckiest birthday.Please pray for me.My next target will be to get 10k views on my channel. Thanks a lot :)
  21. Rafij Rahman Rohan

    20 subscribers reached!!

    Hello best friends, Just hited 20 subs Thanks all for subscribing.......We are go further with Yttalk!!! Thanks a lot
  22. Racurz


    i really just don't know what to say but yessssss i finally did it 100 subscribers in less then a year i cant believe it seriously if any subbed to me from YTTalk then thank you all so much this feels so incredible THANK YOU ALL!!!!! LEGENDS
  23. KantoGaming


    I reached 10,000 channel views ! :dance: I'm not too sure why people like my channel, but thank you for finding me somewhat interesting! Hahah. I just like to game and I'm glad I can spread happiness and make awesome friends while doing it.
  24. The Cold Abyss

    OH MY GLOB!!!! I GOT 3,000 VIEWS!!! ^_^

    So as the title says you guys and gals, I have recently gotten 3,000! :bounce:Views! Just achieving this milestone is an amazing feat in of it's self. But it wasn't only me and my efforts it was friends, people I don't even know (which is amazing! :D) and people from various sites and places...
  25. tlegacytv

    10 subscribers! #thecomeup

    I shouldn't be as excited because I know it's not a lot but something about knowing people look forward to my next video that makes me extremely happy! I started my animation channel over a month ago because animation is something that I have always wanted to do. Thank you guys so much for...
  26. Fyurith Gaming

    First Milestone ! 100 Subscribe and 10k Views in 3 Months !!

    Hi my friends in yytalk community ! i have archieved my first milestone today after 3 months of hardwork and consistenly. for any that not yet reach like the same milestone as mine, please dont give up on your goals. as long you put your passion and hardwork it will be paid with a good result...
  27. The Cold Abyss

    I Recently Got 100! Subs!

    So I have recently gotten 100 subscribes on YouTube!! :dance: ( 4 days a go to be exact) It has been a hectic 2 months of YouTube to say the least between ideas, editing and all the other jazz that comes with the responsibility of youtubing/a youtuber. :banghead: I'm late at posting this...
  28. Challenge this

    250,000 channel views! Thank you!!!!!

    hey guys our channel just hit 250,000 views and we cant thank everyone who has ever been to our channel and watched our videos. Thank you guys sooooo much for all the support you have given we appreciate all of it! Heres to 1 mil views!
  29. TheSGGamingChannel

    100 Views Total!

    Hello guys and gals, previously I mentioned my 10 subs achievement, well now, I have another achievement to announce: me getting to 100 total views! Thanks for the support!
  30. Onister Gaming

    Hit 100 Subscribers!!!

    First upload April 1, 2016 - 100 Subscribers: July 23, 2016! So glad that people like the content i put out and that i got to met so many people along the way! thank you to everyone here that helped!!!